Dreams of longing for a foreign trip or new experiences may be awakened in you today, leaving you feeling adventurous. The excitement of new possibilities may direct your eyes to expanded horizons that stretch before you. Let this feeling give you the space to dream your wildest dreams without censorship. Having an idea of in which direction your dreams point will show you the path toward your bliss. Knowing this can inform all decisions in your life, because even if you don't know how to create them yet, once you can accept that your wildest dreams are possible, you remove the barriers and allow the universe room to move. With its infinite organizing power that keeps planets in orbit and fruit ripening on time, it can arrange the details needed to create your dreams. So give your adventurous spirit free reign with your imagination today to create the new possibilities of your life.

When we remember that we co-create our world with the universe, we begin to steer the ship of our life rather than leaving it to the whim of the winds and the tide. Of course, we must work with the current, but we can harness nature's flow to take us along our chosen path more quickly and effortlessly. Every goal must begin within us and then be nourished by heart, mind, and spirit before it can be manifested in the material world. We can take the first step on the journey of building our dreams today when we let our adventurous spirit lead the way.