Things in your life may feel routine today for it could be that you are attending to your usual responsibilities in the same way as you normally do. Since things may seem the same and you might be functioning on autopilot, perhaps this would be a good time to think about bringing a greater sense of awareness into everything you do. While doing something that requires little thought today, you might focus your attention on your breath. Becoming aware of your breath and how you breathe throughout the day could help you realize that nothing is truly routine. In each moment that passes we can see and experience changes in the way we do things by simply observing the changes in our breath.

Our breath allows us to become more conscious of the work we do. When we notice that things don't ever seem to change, we tend to rely on our minds to go through the motions. Even though we may think that everything is the same, our bodies and minds change with each passing second. Becoming attuned to this change helps us to be present to what is really happening in our lives and makes it easier to see the variety and wonders of our existence on a more profound microlevel of awareness. Paying attention to your breath while you work will not only make you feel capable but also more conscious of the moments that you experience throughout today.