Minor distractions and unexpected occurrences can affect you profoundly today. Because of this, you may find yourself reacting more emotionally than usual to normal domestic, social, and professional conditions. A distinct need to retreat to a safe place can prompt you to seek out solitude. Consider taking part or the whole of the day off from your duties in order to stay home and nurture yourself. Alone, you may be able to find the root cause of your newfound tendency to overreact to benign stimuli. Focused reflection can help you unearth the situation that established the distressing patterns of reaction you've recently experienced. The peace and quiet of solitude can help you consciously guide your mind toward the answers you need today.

Retreating from the world on an occasional basis gives you an opportunity to assess your reactions and develop a more peaceable rapport with the people and circumstances you must deal with daily. Our lives are typically so busy that we feel we have little time to spare to stop and ask ourselves why we relate to the world the way we do. A period of seclusion represents a chance to step back in order to see how you have learned to respond to stimuli over time. You'll come to understand how your reactionary pattern developed as well as how you can reprogram it. Each time you embrace solitude, you'll find you're able to start anew, free from emotional baggage. When you step away from worldly concerns today, you'll make peace with the world around you.