You may feel strongly about your convictions today when it comes to a certain individual, circumstance, or subject. If differences of opinions arise between you and others, you may react with an intensity of feeling and action that people could find off-putting. You may be able to inspire others to your way of thinking by making an effort to understand their way of thinking. While it's important that you speak your mind and defend your position, respecting the opinions of others can do much to improve relations and make negotiations run smoothly. By working together with those you disagree with today, you may find that the combination of your efforts leads to mutually satisfying results.

Cooperating with others when differences arise and understanding that their needs are as valid as yours can help you create solutions that are mutually fulfilling. When you feel strongly about your stance, it can be tempting to try to sway negotiations in your favor. Giving thought to the needs of others can help you see beyond your own desires to the possibility that everyone involved can get what they want. Others will likely respond to you by making an effort to consider your side of the matter. When you cooperate with others and endeavor to understand them today, you will be one step closer toward finding a solution that all of you can agree upon.