A sense of playfulness could bubble up inside of you today, and you may feel inspired to engage in fun activities. Spending time with children might be good for you, especially if you feel lighthearted and energized. You may even want to let your inner child come out to play today and let yourself be spontaneous. Instead of planning your day, consider allowing your intuition to guide you. If an unusual idea piques your interest, try following your impulse and be open to what happens. Often, the ideas that come to us spontaneously are exactly what we need to be doing in the moment. When we free ourselves of preconceived notions or plans, our true impulses can come through.

By choosing to be spontaneous and playful, we can experience more excitement and fun in our lives. Many of us tend to see the world with a very narrow vision and rarely take the time to expand our perspective. When we awaken the childlike wonder and excitement that resides within us, we remember that our lives have always been blessed with sunshine. Colors seem brighter and the world around us becomes full of new experiences. This shift in our reality begins with a simple shift in perspective. By being spontaneous and childlike today, you can discover a whole new world of possibilities.