Monday, February 28, 2022

Cancer Horoscope: Fluid Nature Of Relationships

Fluid Nature Of Relationships

February 28, 2022

Today you could be feeling discouraged by unexpected changes in your existing relationships. Developing an understanding of the fluid nature of relationships could help ease your transition through these changes. If you can embrace the idea that relationships are supposed to grow and evolve, you can develop a flexible mind-set that keeps you balanced as you integrate the changes in your relationship. Consider viewing your connections with others as living, breathing entities that have their own life cycle and phases of growth. Growing apart and growing together are just two of the many different ways to grow together in a relationship. Today is the perfect day to let your relationship organically evolve.

As we learn to adapt to the fluid nature of our relationships, we can develop the flexibility to nurture positive growth in all of our connections. Change in any form can be frightening or unsettling. If we've become accustomed to our relationships being a certain way and have developed a sense of security around that constancy, we might resist or become frightened of change. If we can instead learn to welcome change, our relationships can grow into much more meaningful connections. As you embrace the fluid nature of your connections with others today, you can usher in a new phase of growth and deepen your relationships.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

No Sit-Up Abs Workout

by Brianne Grogan

Struggling with your tummy area when it comes to toning and looking for a fun workout to target this problem zone? This 7-day course may be exactly what you're looking for. Led by Health Coach, Dr. Brianne Grogan, you'll be guided through quick workouts that are specifically designed to give anyone the flat, toned midsection they desire without doing a single traditional sit-up. These doctor-designed exercises not only help you wake up your deepest core muscles and flatten your belly, but they also strengthen and protect your back while safely stabilizing your pelvis. All you need is 10 minutes of effort a day, let's get you started!

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Narcissistic Relationships - From Surviving to Thriving
2. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
4. A Year to Simplify Your Life
5. Heal Yourself From Adrenal Fatigue
6. Shakti Warrior Dance for Healing
7. Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
8. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
9. Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction
10. 5 Week Kundalini Yoga for Chakras

New Courses

The Ultimate 7 Day Body Mind Spirit Connection
Speaking Your Truth in Relationships
7 Day Yoga Sculpt Challenge
7 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge

> More Courses

Finding Our Life's Work

Finding Our Life's Work

Your most important work in this lifetime may not be your job. It's a conviction within your soul, recognizable if you allow it to shine.

Sometimes it takes us the better part of a lifetime to discover our life's work, even though we may have been doing it our whole lives without necessarily realizing it. Our life's work is not always what we do to make money, although we often think it should be, and sometimes this way of thinking prevents us from seeing clearly what it is. It may be the work of having children, caring for them, and running a household. The way we know our life's work is by how we feel when we are doing it.

When we are doing our life's work, we feel an uncanny sense of ease and alignment. This doesn't mean that the work is always easy, and it doesn't mean that it's the only work we have to do; it just means that there is a conviction deep inside us that tells us we are in tune with our innermost self. When we are engaged in our life's work, our bodies feel more alive, because our energy is devoted to a cause that, in turn, feeds us. We may be tired after engaging in our life's work, but we are almost never depleted. We feel grounded in the world, knowing that we belong here and have something important to offer. 

When we are deeply unhappy, depressed, or subject to one illness after another, this may be due to a sense of disconnection from our life's work. At times like these, finding the work we are meant to do is an essential act of healing. Most of us remember a time when we felt fully engaged in some act of work, service or creativity, and it is here that we may rediscover the work we are meant to do now. On the other hand, it may be time to explore what inspires us through volunteering, taking a class, going back to school, or just doing whatever it is we long to try. We all have callings, and when we find them, we owe it to ourselves to nurture and protect them, because while they may or may not be our livelihood, they are the keys to our wellbeing. 

DailyOM Course Spotlight

No Sit-Up Abs Workout

by Brianne Grogan

Struggling with your tummy area when it comes to toning and looking for a fun workout to target this problem zone? This 7-day course may be exactly what you're looking for. Led by Health Coach, Dr. Brianne Grogan, you'll be guided through quick workouts that are specifically designed to give anyone the flat, toned midsection they desire without doing a single traditional sit-up. These doctor-designed exercises not only help you wake up your deepest core muscles and flatten your belly, but they also strengthen and protect your back while safely stabilizing your pelvis. All you need is 10 minutes of effort a day, let's get you started!

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Narcissistic Relationships - From Surviving to Thriving
2. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
4. A Year to Simplify Your Life
5. Heal Yourself From Adrenal Fatigue
6. Shakti Warrior Dance for Healing
7. Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
8. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
9. Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction
10. 5 Week Kundalini Yoga for Chakras

New Courses

The Ultimate 7 Day Body Mind Spirit Connection
Speaking Your Truth in Relationships
7 Day Yoga Sculpt Challenge
7 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge

> More Courses

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Cancer Horoscope: Speak Your Truth

Speak Your Truth

February 27, 2022

You may feel like playing it safe in your relationships today. It might seem easier to remain noncommittal emotionally even though you may yearn for more intimacy. Your unwillingness to commit in relationships could be due to a fear of being hurt. Perhaps you have experienced a situation where you have wanted to be closer with someone and they have wounded you. While it is important to know your boundaries, today may be a good time to work on expressing your own needs and feelings. Should you have to tell someone how you feel, make it a point to speak from a place of truth. You might notice that this place cannot always be in the middle and that you might feel uncomfortable. But by speaking honestly about your feelings you could hurt yourself and others much less than by avoiding the situation.

Speaking your truth is a powerful way to act authentically in a relationship. When we try to avoid conflict and ignore our true feelings it becomes easier to drive others away from us. Conflict is uncomfortable, but sometimes through it we come to understand someone else more deeply even if the truth causes tension. After all, true intimacy in relationships comes first from being honest with yourself, and then by expressing your feelings openly to another person. Being honest does not always mean that there will be tension; sometimes the other person is grateful for the truth and wants to hear it. By speaking honestly today, you will gain more intimacy in your relationships with others.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction

by Leah Guy

When we navigate difficult experiences in life, sometimes we can cope in ways that impact our well-being. In this liberating course, spiritual teacher and healer Leah Guy teaches how to identify and shift the negative, repetitive patterns that cause trouble in our lives. With expert insights and guided practices, you'll learn how to free yourself from insecurities and fears while stepping onto a path of self-healing. By the end, you'll become more present, and gain true peace of mind.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Narcissistic Relationships - From Surviving to Thriving
2. A Year to Simplify Your Life
3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
4. Heal Yourself From Adrenal Fatigue
5. Shakti Warrior Dance for Healing
6. 5 Week Kundalini Yoga for Chakras
7. Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
8. Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction
9. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
10. A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self

New Courses

The Ultimate 7 Day Body Mind Spirit Connection
Speaking Your Truth in Relationships
7 Day Yoga Sculpt Challenge
7 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge

> More Courses

Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility

Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility

This course is for any student who wants to build more stamina and feel the energizing flow of movement.

Dear Friends,

Today we're speaking with one of DailyOM's best-selling authors Sadie Nardini about her course, Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility. There are so many of us that feel like traditional workouts are too difficult or can negatively impact our current injuries. Sadie has designed a therapeutic fitness routine with your anatomy in mind, to get you aligned and help you feel more vibrant. Let's see what she has to say about it!

Course Overview
Chair yoga is a highly beneficial yet simple workout solution that gently improves overall body strength and joint health. With this restorative course, yoga expert, Sadie Nardini, provides a blend of yoga and fitness exercises that target common areas of tension, weakness, and inflammation. These healing movements will also help build more flexibility and tone muscles all while being comfortably seated. By the end, you'll support your physical health and move with greater flow and ease.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

Interview With Sadie Nardini

DailyOM: Let's talk about the idea of chair yoga. Who is it for?

Sadie Nardini: Many people think chair yoga is only for those who are older, that it's purely gentle and can't possibly create real transformation. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Chair yoga can be as soothing or as challenging as we want it to be. I designed this course for any student who wants to build more stamina and feel the energizing flow of movement -- without the requirement of using the whole body's unsupported weight. I created this program for anyone who is overwhelmed or roadblocked if they are asked to do a full yoga practice chair-free.

It's also for people who desire more stamina and muscle tone after aging, illness, or injury. I created this course for family members and friends to give to those around them who might benefit from it, and for yoga teachers who would like more knowledge and inspiration about how to teach chair yoga or give helpful modifications to their students. At its foundation, using the chair provides instant support, safety, security, and balance, so you can focus on range of motion, safer alignment, breathing, and staying present as you create big changes in detox, strengthening, and flexibility. I'm an advanced physical practitioner and I love using the chair as a path to simplify and deepen my own practice too.

DailyOM: Your awesome mom, Janet, joins you in your workout videos. Tell us about this.

SN: My mom came to the shoot on the first day dressed to the nines! Janet is awesome. She was the first rock star role model in my life -- the actual lead singer of a rock band when I was growing up -- and I was so proud of her willingness to be vulnerable and show her learning and limitations on camera. In this course she mostly does the chair yoga in real time -- no rehearsal! This was on purpose so that people could see that it's okay to move and ask questions and figure things out like a real person and not a yoga model. Many students have commented that this makes them feel welcomed and totally normal to be right where they are. That's exactly what I wanted! While Janet's on the chair, I do the same class with her but on the yoga mat, so if a student is comfortable on the floor, or can progress there over time, they can follow along with me. Or, if the chair is necessary, you have Mom to watch -- and me constantly guiding you both!

DailyOM: Tell us about the type of yoga poses and movements students can expect to do in this course.

SN: We include all the main yoga poses: spinal warm-ups and breath, lunges, warriors, forward folds, hip openers, core and arm strengtheners, twists, backbends, and more. But we do these in any spectrum you are able to, even if you can't move at all or can only move minimally. The common misconceptions out there are that: a) you have to be a Cirque du Soleil contortionist to do yoga, or b) you can't do yoga if you're inflexible and not as mobile or strong as you would like. This is actually a dangerous mindset because it keeps people from doing something, anything, for their bodies, minds, and energy. In fact, even a few minutes of breath and micro-movements can ignite a host of healing and fitness benefits.

DailyOM: In lesson 10 you teach that even if your physical body cannot reach a full range of motion, your energy body can.

SN: I wish I could claim that concept as my own, but I was in a profound teaching workshop about a decade ago with an instructor who was paralyzed from the chest down and in a chair to get around. He had everyone in his class, from fully abled bodies to differently abled ones, like the woman who had a stroke and was told by her doctors that she'd likely never lift her arms again. She was despondent because she used to dance. He showed us something that I'm able to pay forward in this course. Yogis believe that we have an energy body underlying and infusing our physical one, one that is never harmed by the outer body becoming weak, sick, or injured -- even from loss of limbs! Therefore, if you envision, as you move, where your physical limitations stop you, the energy body continues into full expression, and you can gain the same psycho-spiritual (mind-energy) feeling as if you were, say, a prima ballerina dancing your way through each movement. Even if your body can't move at all!

This causes joy, which sparks stress reduction, less bloating, better sleep, deeper healing, lower blood pressure -- and it's all proven by science. I'll tell you something incredible: the woman who had the stroke closed her eyes as he had her inhale and exhale for five minutes, imagining her energy arms lifting and lowering. At the end, he said, "Open your eyes." Her actual arm was at shoulder height! Everyone ran and hugged her. It was a miracle moment. I will always carry this perspective into all I teach and do.

DailyOM: Tell us some feedback you have received from participants.

SN: A woman named Betty wrote me a while back and asked if this course might be right for her. She was 56 and depressed because her husband had passed, and she was diagnosed with MS. She told me all she had was her dog to keep her company, and she felt like she'd received a death sentence, so why even try? Yet the fact that she reached out meant that there was still hope for her to make something beautiful and possible out of a time that seemed so dark. She did the course, and halfway through, I received this letter:

"I have been going really slow, but it is finally starting to work for me! The MS tightens the muscles in my body sometimes, especially in my legs. It had my toes tightening like making a fist. Sadie, I can play my toes like a piano now! I have not been able to do that for a long time. I just had to tell you. I can see that it is really helping me. I am even off the chair and standing now!"

This is why I made the course. In the end, we are all just here to help each other home. Let's dance while we're at it, however we're able.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Sadie Nardini that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

Thank you, Sadie. It's wonderful to hear how this course is helping people. If you are curious about chair yoga and would like to experience it for yourself, check it out. Until next time.

Be well,


For more information visit:
> Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction

by Leah Guy

When we navigate difficult experiences in life, sometimes we can cope in ways that impact our well-being. In this liberating course, spiritual teacher and healer Leah Guy teaches how to identify and shift the negative, repetitive patterns that cause trouble in our lives. With expert insights and guided practices, you'll learn how to free yourself from insecurities and fears while stepping onto a path of self-healing. By the end, you'll become more present, and gain true peace of mind.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Narcissistic Relationships - From Surviving to Thriving
2. A Year to Simplify Your Life
3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
4. Heal Yourself From Adrenal Fatigue
5. Shakti Warrior Dance for Healing
6. 5 Week Kundalini Yoga for Chakras
7. Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
8. Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction
9. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
10. A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self

New Courses

The Ultimate 7 Day Body Mind Spirit Connection
Speaking Your Truth in Relationships
7 Day Yoga Sculpt Challenge
7 Day Beginner Yoga Challenge

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