You could feel altruistic today and determined to make a difference in the world. You may feel a need to make positive changes in your life, which could also help strengthen your resolve to help others. You might take a few moments to consider the causes that speak most loudly to you and make a list of the resources and talents you have to offer. Whether you focus on working on a smaller scale within your community or on a larger, international scale, any action you take today on behalf of others will give you a sense of fulfillment.

Seeking opportunities to help others gives us the empowerment and motivation to make positive changes in our lives. As we devote our time and energy to helping others, we begin to feel less helpless and overwhelmed by the many areas of our lives that need improvement. Rather than focusing on what we can't change, we begin to turn our attention to making a difference where we can. We no longer feel so intimidated by the obstacles and challenges that face us. As we help others, we learn to help ourselves. We learn that taking action can be easy and better than accepting unsatisfactory circumstances. Acting upon your desire to help others today will empower you to effect the changes you want to make in your life.