Impatience can interfere with your optimism today. Goals that you recently set can seem out of reach because there is likely little you can do at this time to pursue them actively. Your eagerness to realize your expectations quickly may hinder rather than help you because you will likely find yourself overly dismayed by periods of idleness. To make the most of your free time and stave off frustrations today, analyze your plans for the future to ensure that they are as refined as they can be at this point. You may feel more productive and thus more focused while doing so, leaving anxiety no means of commandeering your thoughts.

Much of the goal-realization process is centered about periods in which we make little or no progress. When we are patient and use these interludes between bouts of activity wisely, we are empowered to prepare ourselves for the challenges yet to come. Though it may seem as if this time is wasted, we are still immersed in the pursuit of our goals. Downtime provides us with a useful opportunity to relax and collect our thoughts before we must once again give ourselves over to our labors. As we wait, our minds never stop refining those plans already in place and dreaming up our next round of ambitions, and it is these activities that provide us with the seeds of future pursuits. Your impatience will melt away today when you recognize that downtime is an important part of the goal-realization process.