A childlike mood can be the impetus that compels you to seek out opportunities to play and be playful today. Whether you turn your attention toward the games you remember from your youth or focus instead on adult-oriented recreational activities such as competitive sports, you will likely feel blissful and contented. The immersive qualities of play can help you avoid the distractions posed by those elements of your existence that are upsetting or stressful. As you revel in the moment today, your happiness will likely grow from an emotional state that is dependent on certain circumstances into a feeling rooted in the pleasure you experience while in a truly grounded state.

Play can help us regain our ability to derive pleasure from our everyday experiences by reminding us how easy it is to be happy. When we focus on a single enjoyable task we become encapsulated in the moment, so our thoughts do not stray into the realm of stressful or worrisome topics and remain attuned to the pursuits before us. While we accept that life's inherent challenges are waiting for us just beyond the borders of our momentary bliss, we can nonetheless immerse ourselves in play in a carefree fashion. The happiness we feel while playing affords us the perfect opportunity to forget our troubles temporarily and let go of some of the tension we typically carry with us. Your joyousness will stay with you today once you forgo the pleasures of play to focus on more responsible pursuits.