Today may find you working diligently to accomplish your goals, which could have you feeling industrious. You may know what it takes to reach your goal, and you may be determined to get there as soon as possible. If you don't have a clear idea of exactly what is needed to reach your goal, you may be working hard to pursue as many possibilities as you can find. In either case, by working hard and keeping your focus on your goals, you have the ability to bring them into being.

When we make steps toward our goals, it is a way of reinforcing our belief in them. Our thoughts and actions create our experience of life, so each moment we spend working toward our goal is an affirmation of its existence and a brick built into the wall of its creation. As we reinforce our beliefs with action, we give them more energy by investing some of our energy into them. While we are assisting in their creation, we are also drawing them to us like magnets. Because of our focused activity, we give the universe a clear vision to support, and it does this by coordinating the details that are beyond our reach. By combining thought and action with a clear vision to pursue, you participate in the act of creation. By pursuing your goal with industrious and diligent determination today, you not only call your dreams to you but you are involved in the creation of their existence.