You may be expecting good news today, which could have you filled with anticipation. Being hopeful opens you to the promise of wonderful possibilities in all areas of life. This is partly because hope puts you in a good mood, allowing you to laugh off the things that don't seem to go your way and enjoy even the smallest things that do. In this state of joyful anticipation, you attract more good into your life and make your every experience a positive one. So even if you aren't aware of good news coming your way today, by looking at the world with a hopeful expectation of good things to come, you create an enjoyable experience.

It is important that we have things to look forward to in our lives. But in the absence of known things, we must create something to give us a reason to hope. We can go into our day looking for good things to appreciate, or we can create events to look forward to with excitement. Whether it's promising ourselves a day of pampering or scheduling a get-together with a friend who lives far away, we can make sure we have something fun to anticipate. When we tell the universe we'd like a pleasant surprise and look forward to it with expectation, it will deliver. We can make a game of it while also learning how to manifest our desires. Today, by harnessing the power and promise of expectation and anticipation, you create wonderful experiences in your life.