Don't let foot and ankle pain stop you from enjoying life. This course empowers people to take charge of their recovery and to step into a new pain-free life!

Dear Friends,

Are you ready to stop having foot and ankle problems? Today, we're speaking with Erin Fitzgerald, author of the course 8 Day Foot and Ankle Fix. Erin talks about the importance of understanding our individual heel and arch type and how incorporating specific, targeted exercises can not only ease pain, but actually stop future injuries from happening. Since, healing any muscle or joint issue is not a one size fits all approach, Erin's methodology customizes your treatment with your unique foot structure in mind, while also providing posture enhancing stretches and lower body strengthening moves. Let's hear from Erin!

Course Overview
Using a targeted, holistic approach for healing and preventing foot and ankle injuries is highly beneficial because it identifies and treats the root cause of the pain, and puts you on the road to recovery faster. With this 8-day course from Sports Physiotherapist, Erin Fitzgerald, you'll discover your unique foot type and learn about the most common foot and ankle conditions. With the support of a comprehensive exercise program, you will improve your stability and balance, gently strengthen the lower body, and learn how to apply simple self-massage techniques for instant relief. By the end, you will be able to soothe your own foot and ankle discomfort at any time and retain your foot and ankle health for years to come.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 8 days (total of 8 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
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Interview With Erin Fitzgerald

DailyOM: What types of foot and ankle problems does this course help fix?

Erin Fitzgerald: By altering function, posture, and strength in the foot and ankle, I hope to address the root of where most problems stem from. As a society, we acknowledge the need for strength and conditioning for long-term management of low back pain, knee pain, and so on. However, with feet, the main management options tend to be quite passive, such as orthotics or orthopedic shoes. In my clinical practice, I have seen that common foot conditions, such as plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and even chronic ankle sprains stem from an underlying cause of poor foot function, which is what the course attempts to correct.

In the course, I talk specifically about Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, bunions, posterior impingement, stress fractures, sesamoiditis, and ankle sprains, dedicating a lesson to each of these topics. As well as highlighting the anatomy and pathology that underpins these conditions, I attempt to explain why this has occurred in the first place. I believe that if you change the cause of a problem, it will offer the best chance to eradicate the problem, as well as preventing other injuries that may arise in the future. In Lesson 1, I offer a questionnaire to help students diagnose their own foot types. I really want to empower people to understand their bodies and take charge of their recovery. My hope is that through education people will start to understand their own unique condition and apply the course and its exercises accordingly for a more individualized rehabilitation -- in the comfort of their own home!

DailyOM: What are some of the unique factors that students might discover about their feet?

EF: It often surprises me how unaware people can be of their own bodies. The body is phenomenal in its adaptability, which I have witnessed through working with professional athletes, and I have also seen how this ability to adapt can be harnessed in the average person to become stronger, healthier, and pain-free. In my mind, education is power and I love to see how increasing awareness of a student's own unique makeup can decrease injuries. In this course, I help people understand their arch type, which is intrinsic to providing both stability and mobility to the foot. The arch allows the foot to conform to uneven surfaces, gives our foot stability in order to push off through the toes while walking, and helps transmit impact force up through the leg for effective cushioning. When the arch is faulty, it can cause increased shock up through the leg to the back; it can alter the position of the knee, hip, and back, causing pain; and it can lead to a very inefficient walking and running pattern which reduces the body's potential for sporting achievement. Throughout the course I talk about different strategies for strengthening, stabilizing, and stretching the arch; if you have a good understanding of your particular arch type, it will assist you to tailor the course to yourself in a more individualized way.

Additionally, you will learn about how the foot functions while walking. The way that a "normal" foot makes contact with the ground and pushes off through the toes can vary drastically from person to person. I will show you video clips of different styles with explanations so you can try to figure out how your foot works, learn if that strategy is helpful or potentially injurious to the body, and learn how to combat these alterations in function. Importantly, you will also learn about tissue type, and how stiff or floppy your feet are relative to the norm. Floppy feet can cause injury due to altered lower limb position and stretching of ligaments and tendons, while stiff feet can cause just as many injuries through poor shock absorbency. Knowing your tissue type will assist with choosing shoes, and it will help determine which exercises and self-massage techniques to focus on throughout the course. It might also help guide future exercise choices for your entire body! It's my way of making the course as individualized as possible!

DailyOM: How does poor foot posture affect us?

EF: Poor foot posture can cause pain throughout the entire body. It does this by altering your knee, hip, and back position with every step that you take. If we take about 10,000 steps per day on average, that is a lot of potential damage that can be inflicted from such a small part of the body. I have treated patients whose back pain was traced all the way back to their big toe! I think many people are aware that poor foot posture is linked to pain and dysfunction, which is why so many of us are in specialized shoes and orthotics. I don't think many people understand that you can actually change your foot posture quite effectively with exercise. While many people go to the gym and do Pilates and Yoga for their backs, which is great, I want to bring the same methods to the foot through the unique and comprehensive exercise plan in this course.

DailyOM: Tell us how you designed this course and the exercises you teach.

EF: I have been developing the exercises over years of treating foot pain. My background is in elite sports -- I have treated Cirque du Soleil artists, Olympic athletes, Nitro Circus Riders, Red Bull Cliff Divers, and professional ballerinas. My biggest career a-ha moment was when I realized that many of the exercises that ballet dancers do to maintain their feet and maximize their performance are also utilized by top runners and triathletes. At that point, I realized that an efficiently functioning foot is achievable for all people who are willing to put in the effort; it is not something that only ballerinas can achieve. Each lesson has been split up into sections on foot anatomy, foot function, and specific foot conditions. Every lesson includes a comprehensive exercise routine to build stability, balance, strength, and conditioning -- including stretching moves that I have been developing over my entire career. These exercises target body parts from the toes all the way to the hips in order to improve leg and foot function and alleviate pain. The exercises are presented in video format and are demonstrated by the athletes who appear in the interviews and offer concise instruction on how to achieve every step.

DailyOM: What are your two most important tips about maintaining healthy feet?

EF: My first tip is to be aware of your body, listen to it, and take time to understand it. It will give you all the signs you need to recover and repair itself. My second tip is: to restore the normal function that your feet are meant to have, do the strengthening exercises and stretches included in this course! And remember to treat your feet with the same respect that you have for the rest of your body!

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 8 days (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Erin Fitzgerald that we think you might be interested in.

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We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 8 lessons

Thanks, Erin! This course offers a wealth of information and exercises that you can use for a lifetime. The benefits of improving the health of your feet and ankles are tremendous: increased stability, improved balance, and greater strength in your lower body -- all necessary for a healthy and active life. Until next time.

Be well,
