You may feel especially strong and empowered today. You could be ready to face down inner fears that have previously held you back, or you might be taking time to reconsider your perceived limitations and understand that you are capable of more. You might also be gathering your courage to take steps toward your goals but feel unsure about the best way to proceed. If you can develop a solid plan of action today, there will be no limit to what you can achieve. It might be helpful to develop a strong sense of clarity about your goals so you can figure out how to achieve them. Once you know your destination, you can come up with some solid action steps, gather your courage, and move forward.

We can develop the courage to pursue our goals by challenging our fear and limitations and creating a solid plan of action. While we may encounter obstacles that temporarily hold us back from achieving our goals, more often it is we who hold ourselves back with our fears or preconceived notions about our limits. If we can understand that limits exist only in our minds, we can develop a clear vision of what we want and gather the courage to go after it. As we move forward and pursue our goals our confidence grows, and we eventually conquer the fears that previously held us back. If you dare to challenge your own fears and limitations today, you will discover the courage and ability to achieve nearly anything you desire.