A profound sense of isolation could interfere with your well-being today. You may merely feel disconnected from your social circle, or you may begin to wonder whether those people you care most deeply about have forsaken you. Instead of inspiring you to seek out the camaraderie you so ardently desire, your loneliness may prompt you to withdraw further. Relief can be found in actively seeking out the social contact or bonding experiences that you feel are lacking in your life. Making a telephone call, dropping by the residence of a friend or relative, or joining a group that meets regularly can help ease your feelings of separation. Consider today that keeping a relationship alive is the responsibility of each individual involved but that you are the steward of your own happiness.

Taking the initiative in your social life allows you to actively combat feelings of loneliness and isolation. A period of solitude that lasts longer than intended can convince us that we are not worthy of companionship or that no one cares for us. When you reach out to others proactively, you simultaneously demonstrate that you need contact with people to be truly happy and that you are willing to take an active roll in your relationships. You'll pursue the connections you desire rather than waiting for others to get in touch. As a result, the people you care about and hold in high esteem will be regularly reassured of your feelings for them. Because you are willing to seek out the human contact you need today, people will be more than willing to provide it.