You may find it easier to help and support others in their tasks today, and it may seem as if the things you do can have a positive impact on their lives. These feelings could be the result of your desire to work hard at creating a better world around you. Perhaps today you might consider choosing one person in your life who has asked for your help. As you first take the time to listen to their concerns, you can ask them how you could help. Taking note of their needs with an open mind and suspending any opinions you may have, you may then want to brainstorm ideas that might work with them before offering any solutions. It is important to keep in mind that listening objectively and with love can often be the best form of support.

Giving others the time to express their needs and come up with their own solutions is often the best way to help others. When other people come to us for help, it is easy to offer our suggestions without truly understanding their concerns. Making the time to listen without offering any ideas at first, however, usually allows the other person to work through their problems on their own. If we learn to reflect others' concerns before trying to solve them, we show that we truly care--some people just need to have an extra ear to mirror their ideas. Lending a compassionate ear today will encourage those you help to trust you and help them help themselves.