Today may bring a sense of unity to your life as you choose to join in a partnership. Whether this occurs in the context of a personal relationship, in business or by joining a community or club, when you unite your energy with others you gain a sense of connection. It can feel like the difference between trying to row your boat on a still lake and being carried by the current in the direction you had already chosen to go. United energy offers support in reaching your own goals as well as a community of like-minded individuals to share the journey with. Even if you think you are only joining with your beloved in a romantic relationship, you also become part of their family, group of friends and whatever communities they are members of. Today by connecting yourself to a larger group, you enjoy the support of a united partnership.

Sometimes joining in a group may give us a greater sense of our own identity. We may find a wealth of information we were seeking, or we could just as easily discover that our own ideas are slightly different from those of the group. When we turn within to see what feels right for us, we may be led to join a different group, or to offer our interpretation for the benefit of those with whom we've joined. However you choose to contribute your light to the luminescence of the united partnership today, you are sure to benefit from the sense of connection and the support you receive.