You may be feeling energized today, which could have you motivated to work harder than usual at your job or to attempt new and more strenuous sports or exercises. You may even feel eager to complete tasks that you had put off previously or begin a new project that has been waiting for its launch. By prioritizing your tasks, you can make sure that the project that needs the most energy gets completed first, since your energy stores may also deplete more quickly than usual, leaving you feeling a bit less motivated by day's end. However you choose to spend this extra burst of energy today, you will be able to benefit from it.

You may find that you really enjoy the relaxed, tired feeling at the end of the day. This may be because rather than merely expending your energy, you invested it into something that nurtures you. You may also have noticed that by putting your energy into something that was important to you, the activity seemed to fuel itself. When you use extra energetic resources in nurturing yourself in some way, you make it easier for yourself on those days when you are feeling low. Life works in cycles, so when we can combine nature's rhythm with our own cycles, we make the best of available energy and create balance in our lives. Today by investing your extra burst of energy wisely, you can enjoy all you accomplish for many days to come.