You may come across numerous opportunities to help others today. If you take advantage of these by providing emotional support to all those in need of a shoulder to cry on and sharing the benefit of your expertise with individuals following in your footsteps, you may be pleased to discover that you are well rewarded for your efforts. The accommodating and compassionate mood driving you to give to others today may not prepare you for the intensity of the gratitude you receive from the people who benefit from your aid. And the joy you will likely feel knowing you have been a positive influence on the lives of others can further warm your heart.

The people who love us most in the world appreciate us for who we are, yet they also understand that we benefit their lives in very real ways. Thus it is that we can strengthen the bonds we share with others by being there for them when they approach us to tell us that they are in need of our support or when we see that our individual aptitudes can be of help to them while they cope with adversity. The purity of the affection that exists between us is not diminished when one individual in a partnership exposes their vulnerabilities to another. Rather, the bonds that connect us to one another thrive because it is through both mutual esteem and mutual benefit that our lives become ever more tightly intertwined. When you provide your loved ones with assistance today, you can be assured your efforts will be appreciated.