You could feel limited by the resources that seem to be available to you and this may make you feel cautious about what you are able to do today. This sense of being restricted might be due to your fear that you won't have enough in life to get by or to take care of things in case something unforeseen occurs. Perhaps this would be a good time to remember to put your trust in the universe by reminding yourself that the universe will always be there for you. Should you begin to feel concern today you can simply repeat to yourself a simple phase such as "I trust in the universe completely". Learning to have confidence in something greater than yourself can help you to see that the only thing that limits you is your way of thinking and that the bounty of the universe is limitless.

The universe takes care of us no matter what happens in life. Although we might not see things this way, there is always a purpose for what the universe does. When we realize this, we see that the resources that we have in our physical lives will in fact be limited to some degree, but the other part of ourselves – our spiritual and emotional lives are truly infinite. This realization can really only come from turning our fear over to the universe and being able to rely on its power to nurture us. By placing your trust in the universe today, you will recognize that there is nothing you don't already have.