Friday, May 31, 2019

Cancer Horoscope: Timidly Reaching For Goals

Timidly Reaching For Goals

May 31, 2019

You may have your goals clearly in view today but are reticent about asserting your willpower to achieve them. This may be because you are using a role model that does not fit your personality. It is easier to find examples of people with large personalities using publicity to reach their goals, but imagining yourself in their place may make you feel shy and inadequate. Rather than timidly reaching for your goals, find a way that suits your personality more appropriately and reach for them with all you've got. As you notice what doesn't work with your personality, you can turn your thoughts to your talents and make them work for you today.

It is certainly not as easy to find people going quietly about the creation of their goals. But you may be able to find them as you follow your goals yourself. If you've decided you'd like to pursue a career in the medical profession, you may want to volunteer at a hospital. If you'd like to be a singer, but not perform onstage, you can look for jobs in recording studios. As we start the journey by spending time in the world where our interests lie, we may begin to identify our specific talents and meet people who can show us the way they climbed the ladder to success. Through their stories, we learn new and different ways of achieving our goals that match our talents and strengths. Today you need not feel shy when you use your abilities and strengths to reach your goals.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Building a Strong Relationship With Your Dog

by Kimberly Artley

The type of bond we can share with dogs is like no other, and one many will describe as "unconditional love". Only, oftentimes, our "love" for our dogs is actually creating disconnection rather than connection, insecurity rather than security, and imbalance instead of balance. Behavioral issues and challenges are the most commonly cited reasons why dogs are turned into shelters, bounced around, and given up on, and it doesn't have to be this way. There's a great misunderstanding and many conflicting messages surrounding "dog training": what it is, what it involves, and when it should take place, as well as many of the terms used inside the camp. This inevitably creates quite a bit of confusion, frustration, hesitance, and procrastination when folks begin to consider getting help with their dog. Not only will this course clarify things, but you'll learn how to effectively prevent and troubleshoot issues and hiccups along the way. "Dog training" goes far beyond teaching a dog to "sit", "stay", and "shake", and I'm often heard referring to it as "inadvertent life coaching"... because it is. We are our dogs' primary source of information in this world, and we're in constant dialogue with them. Everything is some type and form of a conversation. In order to effectively teach, lead, or guide, we must first understand, align, and effectively deliver. In learning to better understand our dogs, we actually end up better understanding ourselves; which is one of the many reasons why dogs enrich and enhance our lives so. We invite you to join us on this journey towards greater awareness, understanding... and building that strong relationship with your dog.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
2. Conscious Parenting
3. Intimacy Without Responsibility
4. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
5. Chakra Dance to Change Your Life
6. Be Abtastic in 7 Days
7. Fit and Fierce Over 40
8. Release Yourself from Family Karma
9. Overcoming Body Stiffness
10. Re-Parent Your Inner Child

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Animals As Teachers

Animals As Teachers

by Madisyn Taylor

It's natural to be drawn to the wisdom offered by animals, and in doing so, discovering what is true within you.

Since prehistoric times, animals have acted as companions to humans on their journey toward enlightenment. Animals as disparate in character as house pets, birds, sea creatures, and insects have been our mentors, teachers, and guides. There is much we can learn from animals as they offer us the unique opportunity to transcend the human perspective. Unlike human teachers, animals can only impart their wisdom by example or by feelings we get from them. An animal teacher can be a beloved pet or an animal in the wild. You may even find yourself noticing the animals in your backyard. Even robins and bumblebees have lessons to share with you.

Animals teach us in a variety of ways about behavior, habit, and instinct. Housepets embody an unconditional love that remains unchanged in the face of our shape, size, age, race, or gender. They care little for the differences between us and simply enjoy loving and being loved. Our pets encourage us to let our guards down, have fun, and take advantage of every opportunity to enjoy life. You can also learn lessons from the animals you encounter in the wild if you take the time to observe their habits. Cold-blooded animals show us adaptability and sensitivity to one's environment. Mammals serve as examples of nurturing and playfulness. Animals that live in oceans, lakes, and rivers demonstrate the value of movement and grace. It is even possible to learn from insects that live in highly structured communities--everyone plays a vital role.

Animals teach us about life, death, survival, sacrifice, and responsibility. If you find yourself drawn to a particular animal, ask yourself which of its traits you find most intriguing and think about how you might mimic those traits. Think of what you might learn from observing the little bird on your windowsill or the mosquito buzzing around a picnic table. Animals express themselves with abandon, freedom, and integrity. It's natural to be drawn to the wisdom offered by our animal teachers and in doing so discover what is natural and true within you.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Building a Strong Relationship With Your Dog

by Kimberly Artley

The type of bond we can share with dogs is like no other, and one many will describe as "unconditional love". Only, oftentimes, our "love" for our dogs is actually creating disconnection rather than connection, insecurity rather than security, and imbalance instead of balance. Behavioral issues and challenges are the most commonly cited reasons why dogs are turned into shelters, bounced around, and given up on, and it doesn't have to be this way. There's a great misunderstanding and many conflicting messages surrounding "dog training": what it is, what it involves, and when it should take place, as well as many of the terms used inside the camp. This inevitably creates quite a bit of confusion, frustration, hesitance, and procrastination when folks begin to consider getting help with their dog. Not only will this course clarify things, but you'll learn how to effectively prevent and troubleshoot issues and hiccups along the way. "Dog training" goes far beyond teaching a dog to "sit", "stay", and "shake", and I'm often heard referring to it as "inadvertent life coaching"... because it is. We are our dogs' primary source of information in this world, and we're in constant dialogue with them. Everything is some type and form of a conversation. In order to effectively teach, lead, or guide, we must first understand, align, and effectively deliver. In learning to better understand our dogs, we actually end up better understanding ourselves; which is one of the many reasons why dogs enrich and enhance our lives so. We invite you to join us on this journey towards greater awareness, understanding... and building that strong relationship with your dog.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
2. Conscious Parenting
3. Intimacy Without Responsibility
4. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
5. Chakra Dance to Change Your Life
6. Be Abtastic in 7 Days
7. Fit and Fierce Over 40
8. Release Yourself from Family Karma
9. Overcoming Body Stiffness
10. Re-Parent Your Inner Child

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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cancer Horoscope: No Obstacle Too Great

No Obstacle Too Great

May 30, 2019

Your attentions may lie with your prospects today, and you will likely spend a great deal of time mulling over what you hope the future will bring. Even though you may strive to conceive of positive expectations, thoughts of what might go wrong can intrude upon your optimistic reflections. You should not devote too much time to your worries, however, as the determination prompting you to meet your most ambitious goals will likely also feed your hopefulness. If you believe in yourself and in the inevitability of your success, you will no doubt discover that there are literally no challenges with the power to keep you from fulfillment.

When we treat the obstacles that stand between us and our goals as temporary delays on the trek leading us toward fulfillment, we are less likely to allow setbacks to interfere with our optimism. In the face of grave circumstances, it is easy to lose hope. However, we get nothing when we give up our commitment to our dreams because we believe that accomplishment is impossible. Our capacity for achievement is more often than not a matter of attitude and outlook. If we truly believe that success is in our future, we inevitably concern ourselves with the practical matters associated with attaining it, rather than dwell upon how long our journey will take or the challenges we will inevitably face along the way. Your persevering approach to goal realization will serve you well today, ensuring that you remain unrelenting even in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Shifting from Fear to Love

by Gabrielle Bernstein

Looking within, we find that fear is what keeps us stuck in unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs. Each time we shift our perception from fear to love we create a miracle. In this course, you'll clear the fear that's blocking you from accessing the love and miracles that are your birthright. Using principles from the celebrated metaphysical text A Course in Miracles, you'll learn step-by-step how to release fear and live an inspired, miraculous life. This course includes powerful lessons, guided meditations, audio guidance, and mind-opening exercises to help you uncover and clear your fear week by week. Recognizing, understanding, and clearing fear allows us to put our faith in love and welcome miracles into our lives every day. The more miracles you add up, the more extraordinary your life will be. The outside world and all your relationships will be enhanced as a result of your inner shift. Serenity will kick in, fear will subside and once and for all you'll know that all the love you need is inside you.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
2. Conscious Parenting
3. Intimacy Without Responsibility
4. Chakra Dance to Change Your Life
5. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
6. Be Abtastic in 7 Days
7. Fit and Fierce Over 40
8. Meditations for Manifestation Action
9. Release Yourself from Family Karma
10. Overcoming Body Stiffness

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One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time

by Madisyn Taylor

Taking one step at a time makes life much easier to navigate, rather than always looking at the big picture.

The years of our life do not arrive all at once; they greet us day by day. With the descent of each setting sun, we are able to rest our heads and let the world take care of itself for a while. We may rest assured throughout the night, knowing that the dawn will bring with it a chance to meet our lives anew, donning fresh perspectives and dream-inspired hopes. The hours that follow, before we return to sleep once more, are for us to decide how we want to live and learn, laugh and grow. Our lives are sweeter and more manageable because we must experience them this way: one day at a time.

Imagine the future stretching out before you and try to notice if you feel any tension or overwhelm at the prospect of the journey still to come. Perhaps you have recently made a lifestyle change, like beginning a new diet or quitting smoking, and the idea of continuing this healthy new behavior for years seems daunting. Maybe you have started a new job or are newly married and can feel an undercurrent of anxiety about your ability to succeed. If you can shift your focus from what may happen years down the line and return it to the day that is before you right now, you may find a measure of calm and renewed confidence in your capabilities. You may also discover an inner faith that the future will take care of itself.

The way we show up for our lives today and tomorrow has an enormous affect on who we will be and what we will be experiencing years from now. If we can remain fully engaged in the day at hand, enjoying all it has to offer and putting our energy into making the most of it, we will find that we are perfectly ready and capable to handle any future when it arrives.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Shifting from Fear to Love

by Gabrielle Bernstein

Looking within, we find that fear is what keeps us stuck in unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs. Each time we shift our perception from fear to love we create a miracle. In this course, you'll clear the fear that's blocking you from accessing the love and miracles that are your birthright. Using principles from the celebrated metaphysical text A Course in Miracles, you'll learn step-by-step how to release fear and live an inspired, miraculous life. This course includes powerful lessons, guided meditations, audio guidance, and mind-opening exercises to help you uncover and clear your fear week by week. Recognizing, understanding, and clearing fear allows us to put our faith in love and welcome miracles into our lives every day. The more miracles you add up, the more extraordinary your life will be. The outside world and all your relationships will be enhanced as a result of your inner shift. Serenity will kick in, fear will subside and once and for all you'll know that all the love you need is inside you.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Go Sleeveless in 14 Days
2. Conscious Parenting
3. Intimacy Without Responsibility
4. Chakra Dance to Change Your Life
5. Dancer's Legs in 14 Days
6. Be Abtastic in 7 Days
7. Fit and Fierce Over 40
8. Meditations for Manifestation Action
9. Release Yourself from Family Karma
10. Overcoming Body Stiffness

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