We are all born "psychic" but we are not all psychic in the same way. Knowing how you perceive information is key.

Dear Friends,

You are in for a treat today as you read my interview with DailyOM course author Gina Spriggs about her online course, The Art of Intuitive Tarot. Before I interviewed Gina for this piece, I had her give me a mini-reading so I would have firsthand experience of her technique and what she brings to the art of intuitive tarot. It was a fun experience for sure, but she was also very accurate and yields a strong intuition. I hope you enjoy our little talk and learn something new along the way.

Madisyn Taylor: Gina, what should students expect from this course?

Gina Spriggs: I recently read that most tarot card readers do not consider themselves intuitive...can you believe that? So to answer your question, students can expect to be more intuitive in 21 days. The "tarot technology" I use is a psychoactive process that helps you recognize and trust your natural gifts. If you happen to be a traditional tarot card reader, you will benefit greatly because you will be able to layer what you've memorized and learned with intuitive information. If someone chooses to try going into business as a tarot card reader after taking this course, I think there may be more things to consider than just the ability to read the cards. You still require the self-discipline, marketing skills, and business acumen to support you in that endeavor.

MT: I really like the "intuitive type" test you give in lesson one to help people understand their own personal intuitive skill set. Why is it important to know this while moving through the course?

GS: This test not only helps you understand your natural gifts, but it also helps you know how to go about doing the exercises provided. One intuitive type will have a different approach to the exercises from another, which is why this test is part of the foundational aspects of the course. We don't actually touch the cards until lesson four because the initial processes provided create a firm foundation for the intuitive tarot-reading process.

MT: Your course really speaks to me as a highly intuitive person. What about people who don't consider themselves naturally intuitive - what will they get from the course?

GS: Anyone and everyone will benefit from this course if they are ready to own the fact that they do have natural gifts. Here's the thing - we all do! One of my teachers is famous for saying, "If you have a body and a brain, then you are psychic." The reality is that the chakras (energy centers) that are located along our spines and in our brain manage, maintain, regulate, and store fast-moving information (tachyons, or psychic information) and slow-moving information (quarks, what we perceive via our five senses). The test included in the course helps people identify how they best perceive this information. Many people are not aware of all the ways you can be psychic, and believe what they have seen in movies and on tv - that they will suddenly "see" the future or be assaulted with voices from beyond. We are not all "psychic" in the same way, so knowing how you perceive information is key. After this, the only thing needed is trust and practice.

MT: You talk about turning your intuition "on" and creating a "psychic center." Tell me about this.

GS: Creating a "psychic center" helps you receive clearer fast-moving information, or psychic data. There is a difference between being "psychic" and being "intuitive," and this process is the first step to becoming intuitive. We are all born "psychic." Psychics receive spontaneous information: They think of someone and that person calls or they bump into them; they may dream of something and it then it happens. Intuitives are trained to get this type of information exactly when they need it - like during a reading - and they trust it. Intuitives will get confirmation or more insight through pulling more cards and never backpedal. The act of reading tarot cards intuitively requires a psychic center for efficacy.

Regarding turning your intuition on, I am a child of the '60s, when I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched were popular television shows. The interesting thing is that both of these "witches" had a simple physical action they did just before making "magick." I noticed I was influenced by this concept when I realized in my 30s that I use an "on switch" too. When I came out of the "psychic closet" and started teaching, I invited my students to adopt a brief ritual to help them get into intuitive mode. Mine has changed over the years and is barely noticeable now. Over time, your "power switch" helps you move from everyday mode to intuitive mode in an instant.

MT: That's great. I, too, use a power switch that has evolved over the years. Do students need to do a lot of memorizing with this course?

GS: Traditional tarot is a beautiful, lifelong process that layers a lot of information and requires a lot of headspace. It requires awareness of astrology, elements, Qabalah, numerology, and symbolism. The funny thing is I think we used to have a lot more headspace back in the day before technology took over. We could remember phone numbers, addresses, or whatever. I have no idea what my kid's phone numbers are. Heck, when I was a kid, kids did not have phones!

Today there is so much going on with social media, technology, and life itself that the intuitive approach just seems more natural and, needless to say, easy, and not just to me but to my students. And it's quicker and fun to learn! So there is very little that needs to be memorized. Intuition uses what you know. If you know what you know, not only are your readings more authentic, but you can also get more specific information that you would never get with traditional tarot, such as names of the people that pop up in your reading. I remember I once had a reading with a tarot scholar who I studied with and trusted. It was my worst reading ever because it lacked specificity. It was so general and vague that it annoyed me. I have had brand-new students provide better, clearer, and more specific readings.

MT: When we spoke on the phone you told me about how you go about choosing a new card deck. Tell my readers about the process you go through when selecting a card deck to use for a reading. What inspires you?

GS: The answer to this question circles back to your intuitive type. This can guide you in your deck-selection process. One of the things I can't stand is going into a store that sells tarot decks and not being able to hold the entire deck in my hands. The images are as important to me as the weight of the cards and the way they feel in my hands. My intuitive type indicates a strength with physical feeling. In fact, before I even lay down the cards for a reading, I "tap into" my clients first to sense what, or who, I am feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and also what I see in my mind's eye. From there, I use the cards for details. So how cards feel in my hands and the emotions they evoke when I look at them are high on my list of importance.

MT: When I get a new card deck of any type, I like to sleep with it under my pillow and carry it around with me a lot in the beginning. Is that weird?

GS: Actually, that is a tarot tradition! It boils down to spending time with your deck. I like to think of my deck as a person: If I just met you, I may like your sense of humor; the way you express yourself; the way you look, dress, and smell; but that does not guarantee I will believe everything coming out of your mouth. In order for that to happen, I have to spend quality time to get to know you. I'd have to feel you out to determine if you are trustworthy. So whether your deck is under your pillow, in your purse, or on your nightstand - so you can wake up and pull a few cards before starting your day and do the same before bedtime - you are getting acquainted with your deck. However you choose to get acquainted with your deck is fine as long as you can avoid the book that comes with it initially. To me, referring to the book is like believing in a rumor. I was once talking to someone who created a deck, and I was shocked to learn that she never does readings with it! That reminded me that often the artist and writer are different people and not on the same page. She never used her deck because she really didn't connect with the art. With this in mind, I realize that no one else's book definitions have more authority than my own intuitive insight. I'll often review the book after getting acquainted with a deck to see where the author and I agree.

Course Overview

Our intuition is the whisper we rarely hear due to all the noise around us...like our families, social media, television and cell phones. Tarot is one very powerful way we can tap into our intuition. Whether you are a traditional tarot professional or a novice, you can develop your intuitive gifts by learning the art of Intuitive Tarot. The intent of this program is to help, support, and empower you to connect with your natural gifts, so that you can read any tarot deck or oracle and provide spot-on insight. In this course, you'll learn from Gina Spriggs, a no frills Holistic Intuitive and Master Tarologist, with 3 decades of experience reading and teaching the art and soul of Intuitive Tarot readings. She's created a fun 21-Day, easy and do-able Intuitive Tarot Training Program, including her favorite intuitive development techniques and shortcuts, lifestyle tips and empowering action steps to help you do an amazing Intuitive Tarot reading - even if you've never read the cards before.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 21 lessons

Thank you, Gina! I hope you found Gina as delightful as I do. She is very fun and very passionate about her work. What I didn't mention in the interview is that she has about 600 card decks in her collection! She has a few favorites, and you will get to know them in the course if you decide to sign up for it.

Until next time, be well.

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief