You will likely derive little pleasure from debates concerning opinion or belief today, as you may be in an accepting and tolerant frame of mind. You can consequently be more lenient with those who approach you for the sole purpose of challenging your personal ideology. If others feel the need to bait you into a heated discussion, try to remember that their point of view is most likely a product of their individual history. You can no more change their mind to accept your perspective as fact today than you can change your own mind to see the world through their eyes.

When ideological disagreements arise, we can ask no more of our adversaries than the same degree of tolerance that we have shown them in the past. It is for this reason that we should endeavor to be as accepting as possible of alternate viewpoints in our personal and professional spheres. Dealing with those prone to be combative when differences arise is far easier when we have already created an atmosphere of goodwill and broadmindedness. Though these individuals may attempt to engage us in heated debates, we can deflect their antagonism and defuse their resentment by reminding them that we respect both their opinions and their right to hold those opinions, even when they run completely counter to our own. Today, your understanding can be a gift you give those who have seen little tolerance in their day to day lives and thus feel driven to defend their beliefs.