A selfless mood can prompt you to undertake a variety of philanthropic pursuits today. You may be inspired to feed the hungry after looking around you and seeing the abundance of food many people enjoy. Or you may feel that you have never made use of your resources in any significant way, and thus choose to donate your time to a charitable organization in your area. The act of contributing to the well-being of others can put you in a compassionate mood. You may feel suddenly grateful today for the many blessings in your life as you strive to aid those whose lives have been far less rich. As you work to help those less fortunate, you may also discover that you have been granted the ability to channel your sympathy into positive action.

Helping others cope with need and suffering enables us to truly appreciate the sheer scope of the blessings we have received from the universe. We not only learn to be grateful for the abundance that defines our lives, but we also see how that abundance can be put to use in a compassionate, selfless fashion. It is only when we give freely of our copious resources that those resources become valuable and significant. The connection that is formed between us and those who benefit from our aid allows us to see firsthand the real meaning of strength, determination, and will. The gratitude we receive is recompense enough because it touches our hearts so deeply. You'll feel wonderfully blessed today as you strive to guarantee the well-being of others.