You may feel challenged by obstacles today yet strengthened by the determination to overcome them. Perhaps you understand that you are the creator of your own experiences, which could help you dismiss limitations and push through obstacles more easily. You can enhance this mind-set even further by insisting on a positive outcome to all situations. If you decide firmly that everything always works out for your highest good, you will invite more positive energy to course through your life and shift circumstances to match your desires. You might find it helpful to recite an empowering affirmation such as "The universe supports me in everything I do," or "The universe is loving and nurturing." As you come to believe this sentiment, you will boost the courage you need to transform any aspect of your life today.

Believing in a loving universe strengthens our belief that we are supported in any challenge we face. Especially while in the midst of difficulties, it is easy to feel that everyone and everything, including universal intelligence, is against us. If we instead choose to affirm that we are supported and guided by a loving universe, we feel strengthened by the perception that we are not alone in our struggles. This gives us the desire and motivation to keep moving forward, and the determination to overcome any obstacles we encounter as we create more fulfilling life circumstances. By shifting your perception of the universe to one that is loving and supportive today, you will develop the courage and resolve to thrive through any difficulty.