You may feel restless and hungry for new information today. If you are yearning to escape the boundaries of your everyday experience, you may find yourself dreaming of journeying to foreign lands or embracing an entirely new lifestyle. You could indulge your need for novelty and excitement without having to make sweeping changes to your life. You may be able to gain access to novel ideas and interesting information through your social network. Simply conversing with friends and family members who live or have lived in faraway places or different cultures could help you explore alternate perspectives. Incorporate what you learn today into your daily life, and you will add interest and freshness to your routine.

Spending time with people from cultures and backgrounds that differ from your own can give you a break from your everyday routine and help you learn about the world. When our companions lead lives similar to our own, we may think that the challenges we face and the pleasures we enjoy are universal. But we are all unique--facing life on our own terms. Interacting with individuals that have different lifestyles can help you to see that there are many different ways to live life. You can use the knowledge you gain to integrate new modes of being into your way of doing things and add flavorful variety to your life. When you enjoy the company of people whose experiences differs from your own today, your world will become a more interesting place.