You may feel generous about sharing your time and resources with friends and family today. You may be assisting loved ones with moral support while they work through challenges, or you may feel inspired to take on a portion of their burdens yourself in order to ease their struggles. Though this focus is an admirable one, you may also want to consider ways to direct this spirit of generosity toward yourself today. Simply think about the things you routinely do for your loved ones, and make an effort to extend similar gestures of kindness toward yourself. You might engage in some positive self-talk to boost your mood, pamper yourself with self-care activities, or simply give yourself the gift of personal time to engage in activities you enjoy.

Being generous and kind to ourselves creates feelings of inner balance and happiness that we can also extend to others in our lives. We often believe that there isn't enough time to adequately care for others and ourselves simultaneously, which leads us to neglect the needs of one or the other. We can benefit greatly by acknowledging that taking time to care for ourselves also allows us to care for others in more meaningful ways. Tending to our own needs makes us feel happy and emotionally balanced, which radiates out to benefit others in our lives as well. By acknowledging that you have more than enough generosity to spare for yourself and for others today, you will have the balanced focus you need to make a positive difference all around.