You may feel the desire for deeper personal connections today. Perhaps you are thinking about ways to get closer to a special someone or express your feelings to others in a more profound way. Your longings could be indicative of a deeper need to expand your capacity to love beyond what you are normally capable of. You also may want to feel more connected to life. By embracing the concept of expansiveness, you can create a greater sense of depth, meaning, and fulfillment in your life. One way to do this is to allow yourself to be filled with love so that love's energy emanates from you. The people around you may not know what you are doing, but they will certainly feel your loving energy. You can also try speaking from the heart today.

When we allow love to fill us, we beam the energy of love into the world. People feel that loving energy and are uplifted by the experience. It becomes easier to express our love to others because we are so connected to the love that resides within. We become a portal to love and offer people an opportunity to enter a loving space every time they are around us. Allowing love to expand within you creates a loving reality because the world is a reflection of what you are emanating at the time. Allow love to rise within you today, and you will deepen the world and your relationships with your love.