You may feel more secure with your economic situation today, which could mean that you wish to indulge yourself. Doing something that is healthy and can nourish your spirit may satisfy your desire to treat yourself. Perhaps you could look into what your body needs today. Should you feel tension, you might consider getting bodywork done or engaging in a tai chi or yoga practice; heaviness, you may think about eating healthy, raw, or vegan food; or sadness, you could find a meditation or spiritual group meeting. Using your resources to relax and reenergize your body, mind, and spirit helps you take better care of yourself, since the benefits have a longer lasting effect on your whole being.

Truly taking pleasure in what we have means using our resources to better our lives in a positive and enduring way. When we indulge ourselves with material things our pleasure only lasts for so long. Making use of what we have in a way that allows us to take care of ourselves, however, gives us a chance to affect successful changes in our lives. Learning how to take care of our bodies, altering our eating habits, or coming to a greater understanding about our minds are all pursuits that we will use to become better people. The insights we gain will also help us have a positive influence on the people around us as well. By treating yourself to something healthy today, you will have the means to change the way you live your life.