You could feel uneasy and conflicted today, as if you are being pulled in two different directions. You might long for a brighter future, but at the same time you could be struggling with letting go of past habits. The underlying emotion that could be causing these feelings is uncertainty. Perhaps you harbor feelings of fear about how your actions today will affect your future, or you might be unclear about the changes you truly want to make. If you set aside some time to gain a greater sense of clarity about what you want your life to be, you will be able to see your situation more clearly and make definite decisions. Reviewing your options and the potential outcome of each should give you clues about the right direction to take.

Taking time to explore our options and consider their possible outcomes can give us the clarity and foresight to make wiser decisions. Although certain outcomes might be less desirable than others, we can benefit from understanding that there are truly no wrong decisions in life. Each decision we make simply brings about certain circumstances as part of the cycle of cause and effect. If we are not pleased with our circumstances, we always have the power to choose differently. Approaching our decision-making process with open-minded awareness will help us to feel more empowered so that we can make the kinds of choices that will most benefit us. You can ease your conflicted emotions today by fully exploring the possibilities available to you and choosing the ones that seem most beneficial.