You may be in a motivational mood today and find yourself arousing curiosity in the minds of others. Perhaps you are sharing what you know or have learned with someone. If you decide to do so, you may realize that what you are sharing with other people is piquing their interest and inspiring them to learn or explore. You may discover that you have inspired yourself to expand your own horizons today. Consider reading up on a topic you know nothing about. You may also want to ask others to share their knowledge or experience. You may even be motivated to look into classes or workshops that are offered in your area.

When we share our wisdom with those around us, our curiosity is often aroused. Imparting our knowledge, wisdom, and experience to others is part of our learning process. As we share what we know, we have the opportunity to assess the depth of our knowledge and see where there is still room for us to learn. We also get the benefit of experiencing other people's fresh perspectives as they learn from us, and this may spark within us a host of new questions. Inspired by our desire to give knowledge, the experience leaves us open and eager to expand, receive, and refine what we know. Give freely of your wisdom today, stay open to acquiring more wisdom, and you will have the benefits that come from offering and receiving new insights.