Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Use Feng Shui to Attract Greater Wealth & more courses


August 9, 2016
Use Feng Shui to Attract Greater Wealth & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Use Feng Shui to Attract Greater Wealth by Dawn Lianna - This 6 week course with Intuitive and Author, Dawn Lianna, M.A., gives you the techniques and tools of Feng Shui that will help you to create an abundant flow of money, wealth and blessings in your life. In times when you are bombarded with ideas of recession and lack, you need these tools more than ever to help you create an abundant career, a flow of money and a wealth of blessings. While some Feng Shui teachings are complex and complicated, this course on Feng Shui is simple and clear so that you know what to do to create greater wealth and support in each area of your life using the things and intentions you already have. You will learn why and! how to remove clutter to make room for greater riches, how to use what you already have to attract greater wealth and blessings, and how to correct the energy flow in your home to make it feel absolutely great! more

21 Days of Creating Money Miracles by Laura Allahverdi - In this 21 day course with Mindset Mentor, Laura Allahverdi, you'll learn how to raise your vibrations when it comes to money so you can become a magnet for more wealth. Are you tired of saying "I can't afford it" when you are wishing you could travel more or go out to dinner more or treat yourself to something nice? And does it feel like money has become a big source of pressure, stress and anxiety in your life? When you get stuck in the poverty and scarcity mode mindset, you will keep feeling the same way no matter what happens, and you will keep experiencing the same results. This course will teach you how to change your money story and feel dif! ferently about money, so you can start to easily attract more money into your life and start to experience what can feel like miracles. You will learn how your personality actually effects your cash flow, how to make room for money to flow into your life, and how to keep in the right mindset so you are open to receiving and don't attract anymore unexpected expenses. Reshape your mind and your money, and develop a beautiful practice of trust and security. more

Attract Money with Your Angels by Rosalyn Light - Through this 4 week course with Reiki Master, Rosalyn Light, you will learn a simple manifesting technique while receiving support, guidance and help from the Angelic Realm. Are you tired of the endless struggle to create more abundance in your life? Are you longing for an easy, clear and simple way to manifest? Have you ever wished you had more help from the Angelic Realm to assist you in knowing how to create? This course is not just about manifesting money. It is about learning a new way of shifting your vibration so you can become a vibrational match to the things you desire. You will learn how to open to receive help from your angels and guides, how to mani! fest by utilizing the power of your subconscious mind, a process to clear old belief systems around receiving money, and a powerful manifesting technique to help you attract money and manifest with ease. If you have been trying for a long time to manifest more money, or a better job, or more income only to find yourself still stuck in the old pattern, then it is possible that could use a little help from the Angelic Realm. more

Opening Doors for the Spiritual Creative by Max Highstein - This 15 day course with Intuitive Counselor, Max Highstein, has been designed to help you, as a Spiritual Creative, bring your gift into the world and realize your dream. A Spiritual Creative is a gifted individual who believes in a Higher Power and has an inner calling to do something positive in the world. As a Spiritual Creative, you have crucial life lessons to learn, and struggles to overcome, before you can fully manifest your gifts and realize your dream. And because your gifts are unique, you may have difficulty finding your way, especially early on. With no ready-made path to walk, you may need to chart your own way. But when the time is right! , life will begin to lead or push you toward your fulfillment. Way-showers appear, and pathways open, to allow your dream to unfold. This course is one of those pathways. It will help you learn how to overcome fear to realize your dream, to receive Higher support for your work, and to change your destiny with Grace. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 21 Day Yoga Shred
2. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
4. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
5. Protect Yourself from Control Dramas
6. Release Yourself from Family Karma
7. Reinventing Happiness
8. Chakras Made Easy
9. Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels
10. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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