Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Unlock the Power of Chakra Magnetizing & more courses


August 23, 2016
Unlock the Power of Chakra Magnetizing & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Unlock the Power of Chakra Magnetizing by Tori Hartman - In this 7 week course with Psychic and Intuitive, Tori Hartman, you will experience the unique magnetizing energy of each of your seven Chakras and learn how to focus them to attract what you desire. Do you ever struggle with manifesting what you want in your life? Does it ever feel like you are just not synchronizing with the way your life is meant to be? Are you spending more time trying to find the path of your destiny then actually progressing on it? This course will show you how to tune into each of your Chakra energies. Beginning with the Red Chakra, every week adds a new layer of energetic awareness that builds upon the previous week. ! By working on the foundation and building up, you consciously create life experiences that mirror your growing internal clarity. You will learn how to clear any blocked Chakra, gain an appreciation for the role each Chakra plays in your personal purpose, and observe even your most challenging moments with grace and compassion. This course helps you unlock the mysteries of magnetizing and empowers you to step in to your greatest possible life. more

7 Steps to Infinite Abundance by Shanda Trofe - Through this 7-week course best-selling author, Shanda Trofe, takes you on a spiritual journey of manifestation and transformation. You will learn how to understand and embrace Universal Law, not only as a powerful tool for manifesting your desires, but as a complete lifestyle change. This course offers seven key steps that will activate the process quickly, so you can start living the blissful life you've always desired--in the least amount of time. You will learn why simply thinking positive thoughts is not enough to activate the process, and how your vibration and emotions are a mirror for what you are attracting. Find out why joy and gratitude are vital ke! ys to activating the process of manifestation and how to incorporate them into your daily life. Learn how to know when to take inspired action by recognizing when the Universe is aligning you with your highest good. And, finally, learn to let go and trust the process, for a life blessed with prosperity, abundance and everlasting joy! more

Spoonbenders Course by James Twyman - This 6 week course with internationally renowned author, James Twyman, will teach you an ancient technology that will allow you to perform feats some would call miraculous, then apply that technology to healing the planet. People around the world are asking the same question. "What can I do to contribute to creating a world of peace and compassion?" It is easy to feel powerless, as if we cannot affect real change. The Spoonbenders Course is designed to teach you skills that will help you be a "Spiritual Warrior" in your life, and in the world. You will learn to open centers of energy that have always existed within you, but have never been tapped before, then app! ly that energy to promoting peace. The course will give you a series of exercises that are meant to open the energy centers you will use to bend metal, and detailed instructions to be able to bend a spoon with your mind in less than 4 weeks, and it will offer you information about an ancient technology of prayer that has been ignored for seventeen hundred years, and how you can use this technology to change your life and the world. more

How to Create a Soul Driven Business by Barbara Kumara - This 7 week course with Business Consultant, Barbara Kumara, will help you bring your green, spiritual, community-focused or creative business idea to life with an innovative approach to business planning. It is designed to benefit those simply considering a potential business as well as those who are ready to launch. Soul Driven Business Planning is a professional approach- complementing the wisdom of heart and soul. This discovery is essential for all endeavors where exchange for products or services is involved- from retail sales to teaching to healing. No worry if you are not business-minded; familiarity with business terminology or financial expe! rtise is not required. The approach in this course is one of inward focus, spontaneity and creativity- allowing for reflection on insights and intentions. You will create a thoughtful and intuitive business plan that will provide a solid foundation for action and investments- either now or in the future. The plan is also a baseline for change, providing the blueprints to later assess the impact of new ideas or changes in the marketplace. more

How to Rewire Your Brain for Wealth by Don Joseph Goewey - This 8 week course with author, Don Joseph Goewey, is about achieving the Good Life, which Aristotle defined as being well, and doing well, on your way to flourishing. Life doesn't get better than that, personally, professionally, and financially. The problem is that genetics, a painful past, and hard times can conspire to wire you for a life of scarcity. Chronic financial problems mean you are short on the brain bandwidth that is needed to solve those problems and flourish. Without the full range of brain bandwidth, the attempts you make to succeed and prosper are bound to fall short of your goal. Happily, neuroscience has found that you can r! ewire your brain and achieve the Good Life. Here, you will learn how to use peaceful states to amplify higher brain function, to transcend shame to function from your higher self, and to access the right brain for creative insights that overcome financial challenges. This course will teach you the three conditions that either wire your brain for scarcity or abundance, and how to leverage them to recover the brainpower for a more successful, affluent and happier life. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. 21 Day Yoga Shred
2. Unleash the Power of Badass Habits
3. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
4. Heal Yourself with Writing
5. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
6. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
7. Release Yourself from Family Karma
8. Protect Yourself from Control Dramas
9. Attracting Genuine Abundance
10. The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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