Thursday, August 25, 2016

Keeping Your Energy Strong

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August 25, 2016
Keeping Your Energy Strong
Centered and Safe

by Madisyn Taylor

Keeping our energy strong and pure throughout the day is vital to somebody that is sensitive.

Being a sensitive person in this world can sometimes feel very draining due to the fact that we are very receptive to the energy of the people and environment around us. Still, we want to be part of situations that involve small or large groups of people, and we would like to do it without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted. With a few simple strategies we can entertain at home and socialize in the world without running the risk of losing ourselves in someone else's energy or giving our energy away. All this takes is a little time and practice, and the result—being part of social events without ending up depleted—is well worth the effort.

The whole purpose of this self-care ritual is to help keep yourself strong energetically when you are in a situation that could potentially be draining. For example, if you are having a party, you might take some time to prepare beforehand. Just as you spend time cleaning your home and preparing food, it is essential to prepare your inner home for the event. This can be as simple as taking a mindful walk or a cleansing bath, or engaging in any other activity that gives you energy. You can even just sit alone for a set period of time, tuning in to your energy and connecting to yourself so that you are less easily carried away by the energy outside of yourself. You may employ a mantra such as "I am centered and safe in the home of myself." You can also charge a crystal or gemstone or any piece of jewelry with protective energy and wear it or carry it with you. This can be helpful during the event when just seeing it or touching it can remind you that you are centered and safe.!

Keep in mind that it is always acceptable to excuse yourself for a bathroom break or to step outside for a moment. This can give you the time and space you need to check in with yourself and correct any energetic imbalances you detect. Whether you are at home or out in the world, taking care of yourself in this way enables you to keep your energy strong, even as you open yourself to others.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Letting Go with Forgiveness
by Ana Holub

If you are totally exhausted by carrying around a heavy load of unfinished business - and you are ready for real relief at last - this course is for you. How can you find peace unless you learn to let go? And what is letting go but forgiveness of all your past hurts, grievances and regrets? Once you learn to forgive, your energy will change. You'll feel lighter, more peaceful, and ready to live your life to its fullest. Your vibration will rise higher and higher as you leave behind all the heaviness of the past. Relationships, career and money issues will turn around - because YOU have turned around! This course is based on information from A Course in Miracles, Radical Forgiveness, scientific research, and life lessons from Ana and her years of counseling. It is specifically geared to bring you gently into your most troubled, tender spots with lots of compassion and trust. This course will give you a profound understanding of what forgiveness is, and how to use it in every ! emotionally difficult situation in your life...for a lasting change you can feel right away.

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  Centered and Safe

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