Friday, September 25, 2015

Shining through the Clouds

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September 25, 2015
Shining through the Clouds

by Madisyn Taylor

We can shine like a beacon from a lighthouse when met with the force of a grumpy person.

When we're in a good mood, we shine like the sun. But if we find ourselves in the presence of a person, or people, in a grumpy mood, it can feel like a dark cloud approaching to dim our radiance and block our positive way of seeing the world. We can remind ourselves that clouds pass, while the sun and stars continue to shine above. Then it's easier to think of these "grumps" affectionately, knowing that they only have the power to affect our mood if we allow it. With the power of change firmly in our hands, we can choose how to respond to a grumpy person, or a grumbling group of people, with confidence and understanding.

Like a lighthouse, we can continue to shine through the darkness, offering our light to help others find their way back to their own. We can send them a silent prayer of peace or a sympathetic smile. We may sense that reaching out to offer a comforting touch or hug can ease their frustrations and cause the clouds to dissipate. If they need understanding, we can sympathize without reinforcing the negativity they may be experiencing by directing their attention someplace more positive. Helping them find the humor in their situation might be appropriate and is a great way to lift spirits, or a logical approach may help them see all the good in the situation, in their lives and in the world.

We might find that someone we encounter often seems to be in a perpetual state of gloom. Our tendency in such cases may be to try to avoid them, but instead we can make the choice to offer support that comes from the heart. We may be inspired to ask if they would like some help or to offer suggestions that have helped us in the past. We can include thoughts of their health and happiness in our times of prayer and meditation. When we lend our energy to uplift another in any way, we improve our own lives while making the world a better place for all of us.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
by Sara Wiseman

Intuition is a spiritual practice because intuitive development and spiritual awakening are so intertwined, they may as well be one and the same. In other words, if you travel down the path of intuitive development long enough, you'll become a conscious spiritual being. Conversely, if you travel down the path of spiritual practice long enough, you'll become a conscious intuitive being. They are both the same path, under different guises. In this four-week course, you will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective and you will work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and most likely, energetic healing, personal growth and total life transformation. Ready to begin this journey of spiritual and intuitive expansion? Let's go!

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