Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Overcoming “Not Good Enough and more courses


September 29, 2015
Overcoming "Not Good Enough and more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Overcoming "Not Good Enough" by Pam Thomas - In this 8 week course with Certified Life Coach, Pam Thomas, you will be led to see that you do not have to live your life in feelings of inadequacy. You will find that there is no need to mold, meld, or squeeze yourself into someone else's expectations, and that you can step out of comparing yourself to others. How many times have you thought, "If only I was as skinny or as pretty as her, or had her job and income, then I'd have it made"? This is like looking at life through spotted glasses, and this course is designed to help you clean those glasses off so you can see clearly. You will learn how to deal with fear and self-doubt, to overcome the worries of ! what others think and to practice and understand the importance of self-care. The time is NOW to blast to bits the "not enough" messages, claim or re-claim your own personal power and confidence, and kick negative thoughts to the curb so that you attract the "good stuff" you truly deserve. more

Heal Your Hurt through Your Creativity by Shelley Klammer - Through this 30 day course with Creativity Coach, Shelley Klammer, you will receive inspiration and guidance to understand the imagery of your emotional life as it emerges to be seen, loved, accepted and healed. Before you can consistently live in your authentic self you need to travel through and understand the trail of unfelt emotions that have accumulated throughout your lifetime. Spontaneous creative expression can help you bypass your self-critical mind, to see and heal emotional repression and self-rejection. With this course you will create and meditate on a small, torn paper spontaneous collage each morning for 30 days to discover wha! t is in your unconscious mind. You will learn to create from your truth, understand your emotional life and emotionally express your whole self. When you allow your unconscious emotions to express visually in their "first language" of symbols to your conscious mind, you can begin to allow the darker emotions of shame, sadness, anger and fear to transform into spiritual encouragement, self-love, and inner peace. more

Forgive Yourself, Love Yourself, Move On by Mary Hayes Greico - This 21 day course with Spiritual Leader, Mary Hayes Greico, will show you that when you are feeling stuck, the experience of self-forgiveness will open the warm heart-glow of love for yourself again, and your daily life experiences will immediately start to shift for the better. It is almost a universal human dilemma to struggle with feelings of disappointment in ourselves from time to time. Even though we are excited about our spiritual path, and determined to create our dreams, there are times when we hit a wall of discouragement, and nothing seems to be working. This course gives you simple exercises to steadily open your soul connection! and clear the debris from your past 'failures'. Starting from a foundation of sturdy and steady appreciation of yourself as you are, you will take a fearless inventory of your negative self-issues, and then you will tackle and clear them, one by one, with a potent guided exercise in self-forgiveness. You will learn that Self-love is your best asset for living a happy life, because it is the most powerful attractor of luck and resources that there is. more

Create Meaning, Heal Your Heart by Eric Maisel - In this 8 week course with Psychotherapist, Eric Maisel, you'll learn how you can create meaning every day and heal your heart. Our heart aches when we don't experience life as meaningful and when we don't feel that we are living our life with passion and purpose. At such times we despair and call ourselves "depressed." One powerful path to emotional healing is living your life purposes and creating meaning on a daily basis. Through this course you will learn how to identify your life purposes so you can create more experiences of meaning, rather than just going through the motions in life. You will learn how to create meaning on a daily basis, how life purpose a! nd meaning heal the heart, and what to do when meaning disappears. As meaning becomes a wellspring, you will begin to heal the hurts that arise from your ingrained feelings that you do not matter and that you do not have hope. Now is your time to investigate the profound relationships among life purpose, meaning, and emotional health! more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
2. How to Create Happiness
3. End Self-Sabotage with Meridian Tapping (EFT)
4. Release Emotional Energy Blocks and Heal
5. 21 Day Yoga Body!
6. 21 Days to Drop Your Emotional Baggage
7. Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety
8. Learning To Meditate
9. Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
10. Become Powerful Beyond Belief

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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