This spring, rejuvenate with one of our favorite courses!

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was the vernal equinox, when the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are of equal length. This auspicious event has been celebrated for millennia and marks the beginning of spring. Nature awakens from its winter slumber and life begins anew.

With the arrival of spring, we, too, feel an awakening within as our senses are delighted by the fragrance of new blossoms, the sight of fresh growth, and the promise of warmer weather. Spring invites us to rejuvenate ourselves and embrace a new beginning, a new idea, or a new aspiration. To celebrate this spring, give yourself a gift of self-care with one of these courses we handpicked just for you!

The Ultimate 7 Day Body Mind Spirit Connection by Sarah Rector and Co-Instructors -- This course brings together a group of expert instructors, and each day will focus on a technique for either body, mind, or spirit. For example, there's a Pilates workout for your body, a mindful yoga session for your mental wellness, and audio-guided meditations for your spiritual health. This is one of our favorite courses for anyone looking for a holistic makeover this spring, and one you'll love to come back to whenever you need to refresh. Learn more

Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life by Stephanie Bennett Vogt -- A simple way to rejuvenate yourself is to clear the clutter. In this 28-day course, Stephanie provides you with a toolkit designed to reduce the noise, the stuff, and the stress in your home and in your life. The energy of clearing your space, both mentally and physically, will do wonders for your well-being. You'll feel lighter, freer, and happier. Learn more

Radical Intimacy in 10 Days by Jumana Sophia -- Nothing nourishes the heart like love, especially self-love. This soulful course shows women how to tend to their desires and deepen their intimacy, whether with a lover or with themselves. Jumana brings healing wisdom, self-care rituals, and audio-guided meditation practices to help you replenish your divine feminine nature and ignite your passion. Learn more

21 Day Plant-Based Plan for a Lighter, Happier YOU! by Scott and Beth Putnam -- This husband-and-wife team have created a delicious course that shows you how to fall in love with a plant-based diet. This course gives you all the necessary tools to get started: recipes, meal plans, food prep tips, ways to create a healthier relationship with food, and more. Refresh your menu options and nourish your body this spring. Learn more

Heal Your Soul by Letting Go of Emotional Addiction by Leah Guy -- Sometimes what we need is a rebirth, an opportunity to reinvent ourselves by letting go of old habits that don't serve us anymore. In this 7-day course, Leah compassionately guides you through a journey of releasing emotional patterns that sabotage your chances for true happiness. She provides insightful tools and video teachings that show you how to heal past wounds and live more fully in the present. It's a beautiful course to help you rebloom. Learn more

Now that spring has arrived, there is optimism and change in the air. With these courses you can plant a seed today and reap lasting benefits.

May we all be happy, healthy, loved, and at peace.


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