You could be feeling especially affectionate today and looking for avenues to express this emotion. You might want to let loved ones know how much you care or write a letter to a friend who lives far away. To take advantage of this mood, consider the many ways you can express your feelings for the people around you. This might involve small sentiments such as complimenting a waiter on excellent service, writing a romantic poem for your partner, or expressing your appreciation for your associates at work. You could also put this energy to good use by entering into a mentoring role and helping to build the self-esteem of children. By sharing your positive attitude with others today, you can make others feel good and enhance your good mood.

Every bit of love, affection, and positive energy we offer others will eventually be returned to us. Whether we are sharing a smile and a few kind words with a stranger or professing our love to a romantic partner, we are choosing to project positive energy into the universe. Since the universe tends to give back to us what we put out, we will usually receive those same sentiments in some form. Even if this return does not happen immediately, choosing to make others feel good will automatically make us feel positive. By making an effort to lift the mood of those around you today, you are creating a powerful cycle of positive energy that will benefit everyone.