Today you may be feeling idealistic, leading you to spend time fantasizing about a world in which everyone is at peace. You may also be imagining your life under the same circumstances and enjoying the notion of what you would do if you had everything you desired. Though this may seem impractical and romantic, it is actually the right way to go about identifying your true goals. By removing all the obstacles you normally would consider, you clear the way to find what lies at the core of your being. Then you know your ultimate direction and have the information you need to navigate around the obstacles and challenges of the real world. By spending time in idealistic fantasy today, you begin to create your ideal world.

Once we've identified the ideals, we can begin to translate them into the material world. By looking at the underlying values that our dreams point to, we can create them in our lives now. The world is full of challenges, but the only real limitations are the ones you accept. Today, you let your idealistic fantasies guide the way to a truly fulfilling life.