1,104 people have taken this course

If you're over the age of 40, you have probably noticed that your diet isn't working for you the way it did when you were in your 20's and 30's. Maybe a pasta and bread dinner now result in a bloated belly, and a pound or 2 extra on the scale the next morning? That afternoon cup of joe now keeps you up all night? That late night snack before bed result in an agonizing bout of heartburn? Or you get tired after lunch, and need coffee or something sweet for a pick-me-up? You're not alone. We're 40, and things just got real!

Turning 40 is a major milestone to be celebrated, and it's also a good time for a dietary assessment. Unfortunately, the days of getting away with gorging on junk food, carb binges, and endless happy hours are over, but even our normal diets seem to affect us differently after 40. Why is this? Plain and simple, your body just don't process these foods the way they used to due to changes in your hormones that affect your metabolism and digestion.

Here's a helpful list of the primary changes your body goes through in your 40's due to these hormonal changes:
  • Metabolism slows down.
  • Muscle mass decreases.
  • Body fat increases, especially around the middle area.
  • Naturally become more insulin resistant (we can't burn off carbs).
  • The stress hormone cortisol increases (causing more belly fat).
  • Digestive enzymes decrease (causing gas, bloating and acid reflux).
  • Collagen decreases (skin starts to show signs of aging).
  • Hair starts to thin and become more brittle.
  • Forgetful moments increase.
  • "Shrinkage" may be experienced due to diminished bone density.
It's also important to be aware that the risk of these chronic health conditions increases:
  • Heart Disease.
  • Certain cancers.
  • Autoimmune Disorders.
While, yes, this seems like an alarming and long list, the good news is - by tweaking your diet and lifestyle, you can actually reverse or prevent all these issues.

How To Feel Fabulous In Your 40's... and Beyond!

Your dietary and lifestyle choices make all the difference in how your wellness story will play out. After the age of 40, you can't get away with those fun dietary and lifestyle discretions of the past as easily. That's not to say that you're doomed to eating boring, tasteless food and should have no fun or social life. It just means that if you want to sail through your 40's and beyond feeling and looking your best, you'll need to make some dietary and lifestyle adjustments. And that's exactly what this course is here to help you with!

With this fun and highly beneficial 10-Day course, you'll learn:
  • How to tweak your diet for the best results after the age of 40.
  • How to assess and optimize your personal wellness.
  • The superfoods you need to maximize your overall wellness.
  • What to eat to reverse/prevent the following After 40 Wellness Factors:
    • Sluggish metabolism (stubborn hormonal weight gain).
    • Sluggish Digestion (bloating, gas, acid reflux, constipation).
    • Low energy.
    • Sleep issues.
    • Blood sugar issues.
    • Diminished bone density.
    • Premature aging (wrinkling of the skin, thinning hair).
    • Diminished libido.
    • Inflammatory issues.
    • Cognitive changes (brain fog).
You'll receive:
  • 10 daily lessons with wellness-targeted, delicious recipes for people in their 40's, and above.
  • Specific tools to create your personal health assessment.
  • Superfood recommendations that help reverse and prevent the primary wellness factors people face after 40.
  • Short homework assignments with concrete actionable steps for the best results.
Here's a snapshot of how your 10-day journey will go:
  • Day 1: Creating Your Personal Health Assessment: Take stock of where you are wellness wise.
  • Day 2: Keeping Your Blood Sugar In check: Blood sugar balancing foods - this is the key to healthy aging.
  • Day 3: Revving Up Your Midlife Metabolism: Great tips for flipping the switch from fat to firm.
  • Day 4: Gas, Bloating, and Reflux (oh my!): Specific food suggestions to achieve digestive wellness.
  • Day 5: Showing Some Love: Specific foods for optimizing your heart health.
  • Day 6: Getting Your Sleep: Specific foods for improving your sleep.
  • Day 7: Bones Of Steel: The essential foods for improving bone density.
  • Day 8: Beautify Your Wrapper: Skin-tastic foods for achieving beauty from the inside out.
  • Day 9: Your Libido's Fallen And It Can't Get Up: Specific foods for taking your sex drive from zero to sex-ty.
  • Day 10: De-Fogging Your Brain: Clutter clearing, memory-enhancing foods.
What benefits can you look forward to from participating in this course?
  • Tons more energy.
  • Feel lighter and healthier.
  • Weight loss (if needed).
  • Improved digestion.
  • Clearer thinking and less brain fog.
  • Rejuvenated libido.
  • Improved sleep.
  • A greater sense of overall wellness.
  • Feel and look younger and vibrant.
  • Prevent chronic health issues of aging.
There's no reason why you shouldn't be feeling and looking fabulous in your 40's and beyond, so let's get you started on this highly beneficial and rewarding wellness journey today!

What Others Are Saying

"I am on Day 4 and just as today's lesson predicts, I woke up feeling so positive--physically and mentally. Loving this!" --Helen

"Well here I am on Day 10, feeling fabulously healthy and with restored vitality and having lost some weight too. I find myself now with lots to look forward to, an arsenal of information and great recipes, and feeling fully committed to a mostly plant-based regime. Thank you, Jacqui, for such a wonderful course. I have been recommending it to my friends. I can see that the local op shops are going to benefit soon from quite a donation of clothes from me :-) All the best for Thanksgiving. Although we don't celebrate it here in Australia, the timing has been amazing and this Aussie girl feels hugely thankful!" --Helen

"Feeling brighter and more energetic. Eating lots of protein and some carbs. More food, yet my tummy is a bit flatter. So far, so good. I think extra protein is helping with sugar cravings." --Kim

"This program has changed my life!" --Toni

"I cannot begin to convey how delighted I am with my results on this program! My belly bulge has significantly decreased, my energy level greatly increased, I've lost nine pounds in three weeks, and I can wear my skinny jeans again! Hooray! I've made so many positive changes in my food choices, and I feel terrific! I'm sold on this program. Thank you, Jacqui!" --Jenny

"I've seen myself lose and gain before. However, Jacqui steered me to a healthier diet and a changed mind-set. Processed foods (and their chemicals) are gone; I have spinach in smoothies, buy chia seeds, and my cookie jar holds assorted green and herbal tea bags. A cocktail or a decadent dessert when out socializing is a special treat. I've lost 40 pounds--five more than the goal. My reachable goal is now to lose another seven to 10 pounds, but I'm already on my lifelong goal to stay the course. So grateful that I took a chance on this." --Nora

"I've been on every fad diet on the planet! For the first time, I feel that this is a plan I can live with. I'm not hungry, and my energy level is steady all day. I've even started exercising. I'm so happy that I gave this a chance." --Patricia

About Jacqui Justice

Jacqui Justice holds an MS and CNS in clinical nutrition, as well as a certification in functional nutrition. She has been in private practice since 1996 with offices in the New York City area. She has also been featured in various publications and as a guest on many local and national radio and television talk shows.

Jacqui specializes in weight-loss resistance and is passionate in her belief that success is dependent on adopting the proper mind-set. "Our minds and our bodies are intimately connected--you cannot make your body achieve what your mind does not believe." This mind-set technique is at the heart and soul of all of her weight-loss and wellness programs.

Jacqui Justice has been a contributing author to DailyOM since 2012.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift

As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Jacqui Justice that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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