Your festive nature could be infectious today. Being able to enjoy the company and fun of being with friends might bring energy and sparkle to your activities that may shape the very nature of your relationships. If you can allow yourself to exist in the moment you may find that the sweetness of your interactions creates an additional sense of wonder that makes you feel completely alive. While with others today you might make an extra effort to remain present to them. Should you notice your thoughts wandering, try to bring yourself back to the people you are with and the moment that you are all sharing together. You could find that by doing this your interactions become a true celebration of life and that you are all the more able to savor and take pleasure in each moment.

Learning to be present to ourselves and others infuses our lives with the joy of now. It is only natural for our minds to wander when we are with others by focusing on things past and future. Bringing ourselves into the present, however, expands our awareness – time and place meld into a harmonious sense of oneness that only amplifies our delight in the company of others. Being in such a state of bliss is what it means to truly be alive and engaged. By remaining in the moment today, your interactions will not only be enjoyable and carefree but they will also be bathed in the warmth that the joyfulness of the present brings.