Your heart may feel heavy today, and you may be in a gloomy and listless mood. A sense of dissatisfaction with your life or the choices you have made could cause you to reflect upon your life with a limiting or negative outlook. Though you may be tempted to bury your feelings, you'll likely rebound more quickly from your pessimistic mood if you retreat into solitude and let your emotions flow freely. When you're alone, you can sort out your feelings through introspection and self-examination. Consider meditating in order to clear your mind before embarking on your emotional journey. If you feel at peace, you'll be more likely to analyze your feelings thoughtfully and logically. You may even find that you will feel better today once you are away from worldly stimuli and distractions.

Taking time to acknowledge and sort out your feelings can help you move through life's rough patches effectively and gracefully. When we experience emotions we consider negative or difficult, we frequently push those emotions away and try to act as if nothing is wrong. Actively exploring your feelings, however, can help you understand what is causing them. As you unearth information about yourself that was previously hidden, you may discover that you are better equipped to deal with your feelings than you once imagined. Once you let your emotions express what they have to say to you, your feelings will become a part of your personal history. Allowing yourself to accept and experience your emotions today will help you through your period of negativity.