Feelings of gratitude can well up within you unexpectedly today as you are confronted by stories of the multitudes of individuals in need all over the world. As you reflect upon how much abundance the universe has granted you and how few true hardships you have been forced to face, a seed of humility may appear in your soul. You may feel compelled to step back from the frustrations of your daily routine in order to take stock of your resources, your network of support, and the talents that the universe saw fit to bestow upon you. You can nurture this seed of humbleness today by turning everything you do into a prayer of thanks. Performing each task that you devote yourself to intentionally, lovingly, and with grace can help you give thanks for the gifts you've been given.

You will come to recognize the full scope of the bounty that the universe has blessed you with when you are humble enough to reflect gratefully upon its gifts. In comparing ourselves to others, we tend to focus on those individuals who seem to have acquired or accomplished more than we have. In doing so, however, we devalue our own blessings. Humility will allow you to see the true significance of your worldly resources while teaching you the art of gratitude. You won't be able to deny the fruitfulness of your life or the blessings you've amassed during your time on the planet. Your relative affluence will become ever more clear today when you observe your life humbly and with overwhelming gratitude.