The true nature of your talents and skills may become apparent to you today, causing you to feel substantially proud of yourself. You may feel driven to make the most of your newfound confidence by asking a loved one or peer to critique a creative project, taking on more responsibility, or diving enthusiastically into a new discipline. Your feelings of competence can also energize you and help you learn to trust the guidance you receive from your intuitive mind. Consider that this may be an auspicious time to seek out new opportunities in your workplace and in your personal life. The self-assurance you enjoy today can help you discover your potential, thus compelling you to pursue a course of success that is unlike any you've imagined yet will prove most rewarding.

It is when we feel competent that we are most apt to act decisively and successfully articulate our many talents. Fear and well-established insecurities can interfere with our ability to take advantage of rewarding opportunities that present themselves in our personal or professional lives. Courting feelings of confidence by taking on added responsibilities or immersing ourselves in creative endeavors allows us to reassure ourselves of our talents while expressing ourselves through work and play. With self-assurance comes boldness and the courage to pursue ever larger and more complex ambitions until we have become the successful person we have dreamed of being. Since you feel capable of almost anything today, you will gravitate toward goals that will challenge you and enrich your life.