5,740 people have taken this course

Every day for 60 days, you will receive a short contemplation by Gina Lake, in both written and audio form and set to music, for you to enjoy and ponder at your leisure. The 60 empowering essays/audios that are part of this course will inform you, inspire you, and enable you to be more present and, consequently, happier. They are intended to wake you up out of your ordinary consciousness and help you live with more love, contentment, gratitude, and awe.

What you will be reading/listening to each day will help you see through the egoic mind and the suffering it causes and encourage you to live more in the moment and less in your mind. The key to happiness is being very awake and aware of what is really happening in every moment rather than being absorbed in thoughts about the past, the future, your life, other people, and the many other thoughts we tend to get lost in. These thoughts don't add to our life or enhance our experience of life but detract from the potential joy, peace, and contentment inherent in each moment.

Happiness is in our control, since where we focus our attention is in our control. When we focus it on what the mind is telling us, we suffer; when we focus it on what is real and true in this moment, we align with our true self and experience joy, peace, and contentment. The happiness you will be uncovering over the next sixty days is the true and ever-present happiness that comes from contact with your true self.

You will learn:
  • What true happiness is and how to experience it

  • What interferes with happiness

  • The truth about the mind and who you really are

  • How the egoic mind keeps you from being happy

  • How to free yourself from suffering

  • What the experience of your true self is like

Course participants share their experiences...

"I'm on Lesson 23 of your course, and I'm filled with admiration for you and this illuminating, potentially life-altering series of essays on life and love. I have begun to change my knee-jerk reactions of anger or frustration into stepping back and asking myself who the jerk really is. I've been able to really experience my ego as a sort of puppet-master running the show (especially when I'm under pressure), and my essential me stepping back and allowing it to happen. Your powerful words and focused thoughts have resonated with me on such a deep level, I find I'm in the midst of a transformation. And it's all good. Thank you, Gina. You've touched my life and many of the lives around me in a profound way." -R. Z.

"I love this course. It seems to encapsulate the essence of true spirituality. Gina's meditations are so "ON." I have begun to value and look forward to them each morning, and I've saved them for future experience of them. They are soooo positive and filled with spiritual insight. They are so packed with wisdom, and I love Gina's voice reading." -S. D.

"I have really found this course helpful to me in regularly redirecting me back to my more essential self and away from the heavy burden of the ego. I discovered The Power of Now about 5 years ago and strongly believe in its message of living in the Now as much as possible. I even try to be conscious and grateful when doing the dishes! This course seems to have processed the lessons of Tolle and enhanced the message in wonderful daily capsules that are a great way to keep on a more conscious track." -Rick

"I just finished Gina Lake's course for the second time in three months. Why? Because her ideas are so profound and so simply and truthfully expressed, she touches me on a deep level with each 3-minute audio. Because I listen to her first thing in the morning, before meditating, I'm finding my actions follow a more positive direction, and my thoughts and opinions about what should or shouldn't be have diminished so much. Which leaves me room to just be. And be happier. So I suspect I'll wait about a month or so and then start my mornings off with #1 and go to #60 again. That's a practice I can live and love with. For life." -Bob

"Revelations are happening with each meditation. So many aha moments lifting the fog from my brain. I deeply appreciate the explanation of acceptance given in the Let It Be meditation, as I struggled with that concept for years. Thank you, Gina!" -A. G.

"Beautiful way to start the day, to stay present, and truly be here now. I appreciate these short bits of wisdom and ah-ha's, the reminders that keep me on my path of discovery. I am joy-filled." -Gayle

"I just feel compelled to say how much I love these meditations! These are such beautiful meditations with divine wisdom and insight! They fit into my busy lifestyle, and speak to my heart and lift me up. It's a fantastic way to start my day, and now I look forward to getting out of bed in the morning instead of dreading it. I am thankful." A. M.

"Thanks for the dedication to put these meditations together. The audio is priceless." -Diana

About Gina Lake

Gina is a spiritual teacher and the author of over twenty books about awakening to one's true nature, including From Stress to Stillness, Trusting Life, Radical Happiness, Choosing Love, Embracing the Now, In the World but Not of It, The Jesus Trilogy, A Heroic Life, and All Grace. She is also a gifted intuitive with a master's degree in counseling psychology and over twenty-five years' experience supporting people in their spiritual growth. Her teachings are most similar to Eckhart Tolle's, Byron Katie's, Adyashanti's, and A Course in Miracles. She has two other courses on DailyOM.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 60 days (total of 60 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 60 lessons