You might feel emotionally sensitive and nostalgic today. You could find yourself reminiscing about better times from the past, and you might want time to be alone and work through your thoughts and memories. It might be helpful to allow your memories to surface and let yourself feel the emotions that come up. You can mentally relive the happier moments of your life and honor the memory of more difficult times by reflecting on the ways they have contributed to who you are today. This process should help you feel cleansed and free from unexpressed emotions, and you will then be able to move forward. If you have trouble making the transition from past to present, you might want to affirm aloud your intention to not be held back by the past anymore.

Honoring our memories and focusing on the ways our past experiences have blessed us can offer a richer awareness and appreciation for where we currently are in life. While we can certainly relive happy memories and honor our experiences, we cannot go back and dwell in the past. Remembering that life is a continuous journey of exploration, experience, and growth, we can choose to see our past experiences as building blocks that have contributed to our present. We are then able to devote our full consciousness to creating positive life experiences now, which will also serve as treasured memories later. Choosing to honor your memories and then move forward with hope and joy for the future will help you to feel more optimistic about your current circumstances today.