You may feel imaginative and inspired to explore the heights and expanses of your creative mind today. It's possible you're listening more closely than usual to the ideas of others or reading books on subjects that are new to you. You may feel unusually open to new points of view. You might want to give yourself a creative outlet by doing something artistic today. If you enjoying painting, writing, or playing music, try setting aside time to be inspired and take pleasure in doing what you love. Allow your mind to wander beyond its usual horizons and consider any new ideas that come to you no matter how zany they sound. Our most creative ideas tend to be the ones that are unlike anything we've ever heard of before.

We become creatively inspired when we are open to new thoughts and ideas. The mind is a willing receiver, picking up and processing everything that crosses its path. When we hear a new idea, we instantly internalize it into our subconscious. In the confines of the mind, this new information gets processed and combined with our preexisting ideas, awakens our creativity, and inspires us to look at and think about the world in new ways. Listen to and absorb any fresh ideas the universe offers you today, and you will awaken creatively and be inspired.