You may feel secure and grounded about your capabilities today. You could be feeling proud of your past accomplishments or confident about your upcoming endeavors. One good way to expand on this mind-set is to push the threshold of what you believe yourself to be capable of. Though you can be confident about your existing skills and talents, you can also get into the habit of challenging yourself with higher aspirations and expand your level of confidence gradually. You might begin by writing down your past accomplishments to get a good idea of your skill level today. Then think about some bigger goals you'd like to achieve but aren't sure of your ability to do so, and affirm that with time, patience, and consistent effort, you will be able to accomplish those objectives too.

As we challenge ourselves with higher aspirations, we continually expand our concept of what is possible for our lives. When we have reached a certain level of skill and ability, our feelings of satisfaction can stall our personal development. By understanding that development is a continuous process that takes place over the entire course of our lives, we learn to keep challenging ourselves and growing beyond what we thought we could be. As our skill level grows, so does our confidence in our own abilities, and we continue to strive for bigger and better goals. While you are enjoying a sense of confidence and security about your abilities today, you can also be expanding your vision for what is possible for your life.