The following is an excerpt from the "Contact Your Angels for Empowerment" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dawn Lianna. I work as a psychic, intuitive and intuition development trainer. I have a Master's degree in counseling and psychology. I am a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) instructor and have been a practicing hypnotherapist since 1984. Angels are a topic very close to my heart. I've been aware of the angels most of my life. I've had many wonderful experiences with them and I love them dearly. Many people are aware of angels and experience them in their daily lives and you can too.

I kept my gifts to myself until I was an adult when I began my life work. I had a challenging childhood in many ways, so my direct connection with the angels was a precious gift. They carried me through many challenges. The angel's love gave me the strength to cope with my situation.

Set Your Best Intention

For this course, it doesn't matter if you have ever heard or seen angels before. What matters are your desire, your intention, and your decision to connect with them. Angels minister to us when we are in need. They will show up in a second when you ask for help and nurse your deepest wounds until you feel better. They also congregate where people are happy and celebrating. I see them at hospitals, grocery stores, schools, crowded marketplaces and coffee shops. They are right here among us all the time.

Decide to be Kind to Yourself

Promise to be kind to yourself as you explore this inner work. Learning to hear, see and feel spirit is a gift. It takes time to fully develop your intuitive skills. I've been leading workshops for 25 years and I have met lots of people. Some people could sense their angels when I met them, while others could not. After working on their skills and practicing the strategies that you will learn here, everyone's ability improved.

We all have amazing talents. Don't compare your skills to anyone else. You can learn to connect more deeply just as I and countless others have done.