Work with the angels and Madisyn's big news.

Dear Friends,

Here we are at the end of another year. It's hard to believe December is here already! Before I get to this month's topic, I want to share my good news with you. On January 23, I will be releasing my third book into the world titled Unmedicated. I'll write more in next month's newsletter as the release date becomes closer. It truly was a labor of love for me to write, and I'm excited to share more with you later.

Back on topic--this month we are talking about angels, which is a subject near and dear to me. I have definitely felt the presence of my angels around me for much of my life and especially this year. As humans on earth we have been living some of our darkest times, but throughout this darkness I have been hearing stories of angelic experiences. However, angels don't just come to us during dark times. I like to have them with me at all times, and I call on them for what may be perceived as little things. I invite them to be with me during meditation and journaling to help inspire me, and they are always with me while driving.

Here are some courses I think you will enjoy about angels. Remember that any course you take is yours to keep, and you learn at your own pace--a win-win!

Be a Divine Conduit for Guides and Angels by Sara Wiseman. This is a four-week online course where you will learn to make a direct and strong connection with your angels and guides. No experience is necessary to make the connection. more info

Connecting with the Archangels by Sunny Dawn Johnston. This eight-week online course will teach you how to deepen your connection with your angels and increase your intuition. Learn how to discern the difference between your higher self, deceased loved ones, and your angels. After taking this course, be sure to watch for the many angel synchronicities that are bound to show up. more info

Attract Money with Your Angels by Rosalyn Light. This is a four-week online course where you will learn to process and clear old belief systems around receiving money, how to receive help from your angels, manifesting techniques, and so much more. more info

Contact Your Angels for Empowerment by Dawn Lianna M.A. In this eight-week online course you will learn how to have contact with your angels. Each week you will receive a lesson, a 10-minute audio meditation, and a sweet angel message written just for you from the angels. All of this and more delivered to your in-box. more info

Awaken to Your Amazing Angels by Steffany Barton, R.N. This is a 21-lesson course served over three weeks. Some of what you will learn includes a welcome to the angelic realms, connecting with your personal guardian angel, clearly seeing angels, and divine discernment. more info

Thank you for taking the time to read all the way to the bottom! I'm wishing all of you a beautiful holiday season with your loved ones. I'll see you back here with my personal letter on January 1!

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor