You may enjoy an increased confidence in your ability to effect change today. This assurance could inspire you to take on a leadership role in business or your social activities. You might want to give some thought to the qualities possessed by effective leaders that you know and make an effort to incorporate some of their habits into your actions today. You may also feel compelled to brush up on your communication and listening skills. As you express your potential, people may want to work with you. At the same time, you might also end up attracting the attention of authority figures. This could result in an increase of opportunities for growth and advancement.

Refining our leadership abilities and demonstrating them will allow others to see our potential. Being a leader means more than telling others what to do. If we can make an effort to cultivate and refine our leadership qualities, others will listen to us not because they have to but because they want to. As we embody our leadership qualities, we give people--including ourselves--a glimpse of what we are capable of. This can alter the dynamics of our relationships, and it can also attract the attention of those who are able to offer us new opportunities. Demonstrating your leadership abilities today will attract the kinds of circumstances where you can put your abilities to good use.